Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

I’m so motivated to reach that stage

Hi everyone, I’m new to PE. I’m average ~6,2” and I would like to gain an inch in length. I been wearing an extender for 26 days but saw zero gain in length and noticable gain in girth (I don’t know if permanent). I know this was short time, but I see extending alone is not the way to go.

Last few days I been jelqing for 2h with olive oil but I’m not doing that again, too messy. I see some good length gains reported with stretching alone or combined with jelqs and extending..

I like inverted Vs a lot, today I found a small 6cm diameter unopened glass bottle of some liquid spice and it works perfect for me. I warm it up on a stove and use it for warm-up and to provide heat during the stretching. I’ve done many short stretches around 1-2min each. I see member hunglikeagerbil reported half inch BPEL gain in 3 months with “few single 1-minute fulcrum stretches throughout the day” alone. I assume fulcrum and inverted Vs are the same? I’m considering copying his method but I feel I could do more since I work from home and got enough time for PE.

I also do 5 directions, mostly downward while I seat and as I walk around the house. I am also trying to figure out the dry jelqs. I am also considering this routine I came up with:

10 min warmup
20 min inverted V stretches
15min dry jelq
Extender 6-8h

.or multiple sessions throughout the day WITHOUT the extender.

I just can’t decide what would be the best. I’m willing to do workout for hours each day, but I don’t wanna kill gains by overdoing it. Advice please?

Last edited by Nixxx : 04-26-2018 at .

If you’re new to PE you are going about it in a way that will just toughen up the tissues of your penis and make it almost impossible to gain long term. Read the newbie threads and learn more before you mess yourself up.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

It’s true I rushed into it and almost ended fatally. Lately I noticed weaker erections but taken it as normal side effect. Two days ago I noticed again my erection is weak and hard to maintain so I worried a lot, so much that I created a mental block and I couldn’t get an erection even the next morning. I thought I killed it. So I decided to just let it rest and hope it will recover. I did get a little bit of blood into it few hours later but didn’t want to force the erection. Like I said, I just let it rest and hope for the best. During the day I felt the strain going all the way back, a common symptom.

This morning I was woke up by rock hard erection and thanked God. My dick seems stronger now, few veins are more pronounced, possible slight increase in length, can’t be sure cause I didn’t measure. I will let it totally rest for at least some days maybe even weeks before I start again gently, probably 5 directions and inverted V stretches and add some jelqs here and there with REGULAR REST DAYS. Any newbie reading this in the future uncertain about whether you need rest days, yes you do. There is a lot of contradictions on this forum, and it’s easy to get mislead. If you are a starter, give it rest, patience is the name of the game.

Originally Posted by firegoat
If you’re new to PE you are going about it in a way that will just toughen up the tissues of your penis and make it almost impossible to gain long term. Read the newbie threads and learn more before you mess yourself up.

Firegoat never be in a rush when it comes to PE



[BPEL: 5m,moyenne 19 de 18,8 a 19,2 [EG: 3m,moyenne14,73

BUT: 23cm BPEL 15,5 EG

Old thread but a great read, definitely will be trying this routine after doing the newbie routine (again) for a while.

Well, starting over!

BPEL 6" EG 5.25" BPFL 3.5" FG 4.25"

Goal - BPEL 7.5" EG 6.25" BPFL 4.5" FG 5.25"

I Would Like To Thank You

I have been following your guide, and I would like to thank you for this amazing routine. I have been stretching just you like mentioned in the OP, and I have hit new PR 2 days in a row. I was stuck on 17.5cms BPSFL for roughly 2 weeks, and 2 days ago I started your routine as well as other stretches and I hit approximately 17.8cms yesterday, and today 18.3cms right after the routine, even though it has subsided to 18.1cms after an hour. I will put on the ADS to keep it stretched in a few minutes but just wanted to thank you again because my flaccid has never been longer. I hit 7 inches in flacid length yesterday, and today’s PR was 7.2 inches. I’m so giddy right now.

I would like to mention that these gains whether permanent or temporary, stem from the fact that I have the steel cord issue that many here seem to have also, and by doing this routine I think it stretches the cord. When I pull on the penis I feel the tug on the top of the penis, while the underside is loose, so essentially the restricting factor is being removed, hence these new PRs.

By the last day of the routine my EQ seems to be shot and I have a hard time doing the evening session. Does this mean I’m over doing it or that I’ve been successful in stressing my penis for the 5 days on?

Anyone tried hanging with this style?

My penis is very thin at base. Length of my penis is 5.5 inch. And girth of my penis at base is 3.5 inch. And middle girth is 3.8 inch. What exercise should I do for achieve 5 inch girth and 6 inch length.

Thanks, Mem. I’m definitely saving this for when I’m ready to move on from the Newbie Routine (which will be a while yet!)

Thanks for this routine Mem.
I’ve been training on and off for years, but have never done a split routine. I like it a lot.

Question on the horse squeeze though..
I’ve read on here that clamping for the majority can hinder length gains. The horse squeeze is similar to clamping in my eyes, would leaving the squeezes out be more beneficial to chasing length?

Anyones thoughts or experience on this would be great.


Memento; Do you still stand by this programs methods?

Worked for me and a bunch of other people. Lots more took the methods and used them to shape their own variant routine. It covers all the bases for a complete PE routine.


If you’re still around.

The common thought in PE is that the more girth you get the more penis you have to effect to get length gains. This is true, if you think of a cross section of the penis.

A different model is that length and girth gains can be synergistic. If you are consistently targeting length the penis will adapt to make that harder to achieve. It will build strength over time. By adding a “girth” section of the routine, you are causing the tissue to react in both directions and it doesn’t seem to be as capable of building resistance in that scenario. This routine is intended for length and part of the way it gets there is by weakening the body’s ability to resist length gains.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Last edited by memento : 07-29-2021 at .

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