Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

THe modified A-stretch gave me my very first lig pop today. It scared the hell out of me before I remembered what it was. It’s funny. Six months of BTC hanging and I never gave one.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I’ve come to associate a slight tingly feeling in my shaft with growth. It’s nothing painful or distracting, just a nice tingle that makes me think something’s going on down there. Of course I could be totally wrong.

I missed this first time around. This is a good sign I think. As is the occasional shooting pain, not during routines. These are definitely signs I had that growth was occurring.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
While doing a standard A-stretch, I push the stretch to one side so that one CC is stretched more than the other …
I find that the combination of pushing down with my right hand, pulling up with my left wrist, and pulling in with my left leg gives my shaft a great stretch throughout the left side of the tunica and all the way back to left ischiopubic ramus.

I think that the majority of people doing an A-stretch will find going off center in the way you describe as almost a natural part of that stretch. It wants to do that. The leg movement sounds good.

I think the A-stretch is a deceptive stretch. The formation of the arms gives a feeling of power and control and it’s easy to imagine a pivot. I reality there isn’t an effective pivot providing a mechanical advantage. If there were the forearm muscles would not be in use to provide lift for the wrist, rather the tension would be controlled by moving the elbow some distance, for this to work the penis would need to locate firmly on the forearm, not at the pivot point, and the grip point on the glans would need to be fixed.

Your description of how you get a feeling the A-stretch is working chimes with me. For me it was always about putting it off-center. what we are doing here is avoiding the ligs and as you say stretching the fascia around the area of the ischiopubic ramus.

The reason I say the A-stretch does not have the same power range is because it involves only the muscles controlling the wrist, as opposed to the shoulder and trunk muscles used to control the stretch I described in post #1.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Even though the force from this modified A-stretch might be somewhat less than that attainable from the inverted V-stretch, the fact that you’re applying the force primarily to one side of the tunica may produce equal or perhaps greater stress on the tissues.

I appreciate the divide and conquer approach. I think this applies readily to ligs but in theory at least with an upward stretch you shouldn’t be attacking anything more than the suspensory (if my memory of the excellent pic westla posted can be trusted - I still can’t find it again) ligament. Interesting that you got a lig pop.

If you look at the technique of stretching over a cylinder though you’re flattening the penis, this has divide and conquer written all over it as various parts of the penis are under various tensions but it’s pulling straight out from the root.

Personally I’m very wary of any stretch that isn’t controlled. The twisted stretches and stretches that pull more at the fascia bother me. With this stretch the “tingly” feeling, the application of force, the duration of the stretches, are all aimed at effecting the visible portion of the tunica. That’s where the concentration is and that’s what the jelqing/girth exercises are working too.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
The problem I’m having with the straight arm pushing technique that you described in connection with the V-stretch is that my wrist seems to be angled 90-degrees from its naturally straight position. Maybe I’m just doing something wrong, but I’m finding that this stretch puts a lot of stress on my wrist.

I get that. It’s all about body position, arm position and funneling the force where you want it without it getting lost in extraneous positioning.

The way I used to prepare for this stretch was to sit upright (naturally curved back) with just my ass and an inch or so of my upper thigh actually on the chair. Trying that again right now, if I stretch my arm between my legs I come to just below my thighs with my fist turned thumb in toward the body. The cylinder is than placed on the very edge of the chair and between the thighs and the penis is gripped using an overhand grip keeping wrist and arm straight. Then the force is added by manipulating the shoulder muscles and abs on one side and pushing the trunk forward.

Wow! See what happens when you randomly pop in on this site? :D Great post!

In my Kinesiology class we covered effective stretching techniques- and the three main things you can do to get PERMENANT stretching are these:

1. Duration - this workout takes some time to complete and the longer duration you are stretching for, the better it is.

2. Tension - you don’t want too intense of tension because this will create an adverse effect, which will tighten the tissue as opposed to stretch it. This might be why people have trouble gaining using a hanger! They increase the weight too quickly while not hanging for long enough sessions!

3. Heat. Although it wasn’t stated directly here… if you keep your target area warmed up a bit (I’ve read that it is around 104 degrees Fahrenheit), then this will also help greatly in the stretch.

So maybe extend the stretching in this routine after a few months up to 30 minutes… or even do another set during the middle of the day. If you can get a heating pad and keep that on the area, then that would most likely help too (I know the heating pad has been covered before).

But again… awesome post!

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Useful class.

>2. Tension - you don’t want too intense of tension because this will create an adverse effect, which will tighten the tissue as opposed to stretch it. This might be why people have trouble gaining using a hanger! They increase the weight too quickly while not hanging for long enough sessions!<

The correct tension is always the hardest thing to judge. I think pulling into a stretch gradually helps, then increasing the tension until no more stretching occurs, then releasing just a little but not enough that there is a loss in stretched length.

You still need to increase this tension over time (months), as well as dynamically during the session imo.

>3. Heat. Although it wasn’t stated directly here… if you keep your target area warmed up a bit (I’ve read that it is around 104 degrees Fahrenheit), then this will also help greatly in the stretch.<

I knew I forgot something. I warmed wrapped ahead of the stretch session but I used a hot water bottle during the session for the first 15 mins of a 20 min session. I found using the hot water bottle to warm wrap ahead of the session actually decreased my flaccid size but using it during the session allowed an extension of the time the tissue was heated. A lot of people who hang do a warmed first session or two and then a cool final session.

What size E45 cream pot? How many grams? I see a bunch of different sizes. I would like to get the exact size that worked for you, plus it looks like it could be useful for my unit after all the hanging.



I don’t have one on me :) I estimated the size based on a pot I had handy. If it’s got a pump dispenser it’s too big, it might be the smallest size they do. It might be entirely different where you are (where are you?).

It’s probably best to go for something that works for you but a circumference roughly that of a coke can (fuck) might be a good place to start.

I’m loving this thread… it’s going on my favorites :thumbs:

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

What do you think of using ~ this for the inverted V-stretch?

It may be necessary to stand, but it looks like it would work well. The cylinder on the top rolls, so maybe it would be best used with a towel to prevent pinches.

It’s on sale: $15 from Home Depot.

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A circular saw that close to a penis. That makes me wince :)

Speaking of rolling pins I tried a rolling pin too but using it over the top of the thighs really didn’t work with a straight armed stretch, so it was much less effective. Body position is very important imo.

Originally Posted by memento
Body position is very important imo.

memento, do you stand or sit while you jelq?

Just curious, cause I do a bit of both.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I always jelqed sitting, on the edge of a chair, slightly reclined, legs wide. The best position for me to get each stroke starting as close to the base as possible.

There are a few threads here on the standing/sitting thing for jelqing.

LOL!…I thought this thread was about that kooky PE website poll :D

Great stuff mem…if it can get Modesto movin’ (congrats MM!), it’s gotta be.

MM - Do you think it was a suspensory lig that popped?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith

MM - Do you think it was a suspensory lig that popped?

Nice to hear from you Xeno.

Yes, it was a lig pop. At least it came from the right area to be one. It felt like something pulled off my pubic bone. Shocking, but not painful.

BTW, the link above broke when I pasted it in. It was supposed to point to a sawhorse with a rolling top, not to a saw. It’s fixed now.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Cool. It’s great to read tingles, pops and gains (oh my) coming from you.

I too hope Lost Guitar finds this thread.

*added to Favorites*

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

>BTW, the link above broke when I pasted it in. It was supposed to point to a sawhorse with a rolling top, not to a saw. It’s fixed now.<

MM, too long and thin probably, and I don’t see how you would use it effectively but you are probably in a better position to judge it than me.

The reason I ended up with an E45 pot was that it fitted between my legs easily (short enough) and was of sufficient diameter to be in contact and therefore flattening my penis for a good length.

Fitting between the legs worked well for getting a good body position.


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