Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Routine question for the vets...

Routine question for the vets...

Hey guys, I’m just wondering what you all think about my routine as stated in this post——>Pumped.

Or would you recommend that I do the newbie routine like everyone else?

It’s just that I feel like my dick can take more, but I definitely don’t want to over do it. PLease let me know if you think my modified routine is safe for a beginner(well, now 4 weeks in). Thanks for your replies.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Ok, obviously I’m supposed to assume that this routine of mine is too much for a beginner.

But this supposed “big gainer” was doing the same thing. A lot of ppl on these boards “claim” they know what is best. But does anyone really know what’s best??? This whole thing is just a crap shoot. “Do 2 on 1 off”, “Do 5 on 2 off”, “Do 6 on 1 off”, “Do it every day”. I guess it’s all about what your dick can handle, which varies from man to man. So, I guess I’ll have to figure it out on my own. Thanks for the help.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

We recommend the newbie routine for a reason

Still Newbie


It is recommended that you do the Newbie Routine for three months. If you feel that you need to bump up your routine, I would recommend that you increase your Jelqing and your stretching. If you start something like hanging to early you might have an injury to yourself. The purpose of the three months, is for
conditioning of your penis for future routines that come after conditioning.

Starting Stats 7/15/05 -- Flaccid L 3.375"x Flaccid G 2.125", BPEL 5.250" x EG 3.750"

Stats as of 11/17/07-- Flaccid L 6.000"x Flaccid G 5.6875", BPEL 8.000" x EG 6.125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL 9.000"x EG 6.500" Dusty

Originally Posted by cclark369

It is recommended that you do the Newbie Routine for three months. If you feel that you need to bump up your routine, I would recommend that you increase your Jelqing and your stretching. If you start something like hanging to early you might have an injury to yourself. The purpose of the three months, is for
conditioning of your penis for future routines that come after conditioning.

THANK YOU!!! That’s all I wanted to hear. I am not interested in hanging and I’m not even thinking of attempting any of the other exercises until I’ve stretched and jelqed for a solid 3-4 months. So it’s ok to increase the # of jelqs as I see fit? In a way it does make sense. I read somewhere on here that after something like 3 or 4 weeks that a guy should be doing up to 400-500 jelqs, and as strong as he can make them. I’m a month into it and I’m only doing 200 jelqs at medium-strength.

The question I have now is, what would the difference be if I took 2 days off a week and jelqed 400-500 5 days a week, then doing it everyday at 200-300?

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Originally Posted by patientone
THANK YOU!!! That’s all I wanted to hear. I am not interested in hanging and I’m not even thinking of attempting any of the other exercises until I’ve stretched and jelqed for a solid 3-4 months. So it’s ok to increase the # of jelqs as I see fit? In a way it does make sense. I read somewhere on here that after something like 3 or 4 weeks that a guy should be doing up to 400-500 jelqs, and as strong as he can make them. I’m a month into it and I’m only doing 200 jelqs at medium-strength.

The question I have now is, what would the difference be if I took 2 days off a week and jelqed 400-500 5 days a week, then doing it everyday at 200-300?

The difference depends from guy to guy. Try and look what is best for you.

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