Scared to start PE Again Just Need To Cement Gains.

I was doing PE for nearly 9 month and I had good gain length and girth gains. I do stretching for an hour and wet jelq for 40 min 6 days a week. Last month I include Ulis exercise also. A week ago while doing Ulis my penis instantly lose Erection and the penis feels numb and my penis shirking. I was worried and wait for a day to see any changes in my penis. I couldn’t get Erection without continuous simulation and lose Erection within a 5 seconds. It scared the shit outta me and I been affected psychological too. Next day I visited urology and ask him to done Penile Doppler ultrasound and the scan shows everything is normal. Once I say the result my mindset came back to normal. And I have no difficultly in Erection. I can get 100% Erection again. This is where I found how brain play a vital role in ED more than a healthy penis. So its been a week I didn’t do any PE just masturbate twice to see how my penis reacts. I have no problem in Erection but I do felt my penis feels different now maybe its on my mind. But I’m happy that I can have Erection of course I have done erect jelq and Ulis which leads me to injury the fault is entirely mine. I don’t wanna get injury my penis in future. So I just need to cement my gains without PE or any light exercise to cement my gains. I can edge my watching porn. Does edging helps to cement gains? Since I’m new here I can’t post this in injury forum. I hope moderators will move this to thread to injury section. Please I need some suggestions!