Thunder's Place

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Seeing no length gains


Seeing no length gains

I’ve been jelqing since December(about a month) and I’ve seen no length gains. It’s very disappointing for me seeing as how my guy is a little over 5 inches. I’ve gained a bit in the way of girth howevr, which is a bit reassuring.can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong if anything? Heres my routine

First I warm wrap for a bit
Then I stretch down towards my LOT direction 5 times at 30 seconds each and then all around 30 seconds each
After that I jelq toward my LOT area(down) about 200 times kegeling inbetween. I’m starting to get discouraged =( and being a teen(well 18) lots of romps are ahead of me. I pull alot of females but I’m not always voluntary to whip it out in front of them, especially because I’ve been dissed by size queens before.
So.yeah.can any1 help me and let me know if theres anything I should be doing differently if anything? Btw I’m roughly 5 on 2 off.

Thanks in advance

1)Try stretching in all different directions ie: up, down, left, right, straight out. When I did manual stretching I held them for 2 min each, 5 sets in all directions. You may not need as many sets if you go that long, as it would be a 50min exercise.(you may need to pull harder, closer to the feeling of discomfort.)

2)Most don’t see anything after the first month except a lucky few. Keep at it, patience and determination will get you there.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

keep PEing (everybody is different :) somebody gains 1 inch in 1 month, somebody 2 in 1 year. everybody gains. just persist!)

..and try to correct your routine if it seems to be “too” soft for your unit.

after a good warm up (never too much, I think) increase your stretching the penis, then jelq with an 60%+ erection ..

That DLD Blaster thing helped me a lot, you should check it out.


You’re not doing anything wrong. Looks like a good routine. If you feel that you are conditioned enough you may want to put a different exercise in your routine. Some guys are just hard gainers and you may be one of them. Keep at it and don’t give up….ever.

Do you feel like your routine is not enough? I mean do you feel a little fatigued after your current routine?


Somebody correct me if I’m wrong. I understood that if LOT is low (near 6:00), most of the stretching should be done above the LOT so that tunica gets most of the stretch.

Keep going MacBreezy

Stretching toward your LOT is probably not optimal. Stretch either above it, it isolate the inner tunica, or below it, to isolate the ligs. Stretching at your LOT shares the load between the different structures, and makes it difficult to give either a great workout.

NO gains after 1 month is normal. It took me 2 or 3 months to see any length gains. Please be patient, and don’t overdo. Keep your workout at a low to moderate level of intensity for another couple of months before moving on to more advanced techniques.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

If you have a low LOT, stretch upwards. If you have a high LOT, stretch down. Simple as that, but either way you still want to stretch outwards too. Good luck with that.

Thanks everyone for the sound advice!
I feel like I’ve just talked to stars because I always read you guys’ posts and rarely ever respond(you guys are as nice as you seem)

I may have to add another routine into it and naw, ynarevith73, I rarely ever feel it’s fatigued after but perhaps I should. I just find it a bit hard to stay in the bathroom that long with a 4 person family. Persistence IS key though. Thanks again everyone

Don’t overdo it though. Don’t get me wrong, I will be the first to say take it slow. But after a month of PEing it may be poosible that you could up the time on things a bit. I personally started uping times after three weeks because I felt I was conditioned enough to do so. Nothing big, just 5 minutes, but that could make a world of difference. That nice fatigued feel lets me know I have had a good workout. No pain or exhaustion, just a bit of fatigue.

I hear you about the privacy thing though. Maybe you could just stay up later or get up earlier. I find that’s what I have to do from time to time. You’ll find time for it, trust me.


Give it more time!

I see more newbies wanting to see gains after a month or two. Where are you guys getting the notion that you will gain all this length after only a month or two. And you need to realize the newbie routine is more toward getting into condition for a more intense work out later on that will product gains.

Getting “all this length” isnt my problem though. It’s getting any that is. Realistically I imagined maybe even half cm or less. Don’t know but thanks. Good to know I’m headed in the right direction

Maybe you should do your PE in your room and have a lock on the door.

I always found gains never came gradually, for me it was jumps, either over a week or over night, I would gain 1/4” all at once.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Hey MacBreezy,

I just finished 3 months of PEing. I’ve gain 0.2" in length total, but that was mainly in the 3rd month. The first and second months I barely noticed any gains. Don’t be disheartened! Stick with it, believe in it, and you will triumph!!

My routine and journal can be found here: VTdarkhorse’s PE journal

Then: 6.5" x 5"

Now: 8.75" x 6.125"

Originally Posted by MacBreezy
I’ve been jelqing since December(about a month) and I’ve seen no length gains. It’s very disappointing for me seeing as how my guy is a little over 5 inches. I’ve gained a bit in the way of girth howevr, which is a bit reassuring.can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong if anything? Heres my routine

First I warm wrap for a bit
Then I stretch down towards my LOT direction 5 times at 30 seconds each and then all around 30 seconds each
After that I jelq toward my LOT area(down) about 200 times kegeling inbetween. I’m starting to get discouraged =( and being a teen(well 18) lots of romps are ahead of me. I pull alot of females but I’m not always voluntary to whip it out in front of them, especially because I’ve been dissed by size queens before.
So.yeah.can any1 help me and let me know if theres anything I should be doing differently if anything? Btw I’m roughly 5 on 2 off.

Thanks in advance

Well if you are finding that manual stretching is not working for you, you may want to consider some light hanging. Now I know most people say to wait for a while but if you start easy, and I am talking 2-3 lbs. then you may find that you like that more - I know that I did. Especially for upper angled stretching. (My LOT was 6 at the end).

What I am doing since hanging was hard for me SD, (straight down), was to use an ADS, (all day stretcher.) Essentially I used Pirate Steve’s version of the Captains Wench ADS hanger to do light stretching for higher periods of time. I find it is easier on my glans and gives great fatigue. If you are interested then look here:

The Captn’s Wench Amazing ADS

The one thing I have learned is try everything until you find something that works for you. Don’t just plug away at a routine unless you feel that it is working for you. When I say feel - I mean you feel fatigued in the right place - either the ligs or the tunica. If you don’t really feel that fatigue you are doing something wrong or are not consistent enough.

Good luck and have patience, some of us consider this a lifetime process. Have fun along the way.

-Tom "Cool Whip" Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

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