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seeking length increase but not girth


seeking length increase but not girth

I’ve spent a lot of time reading the various forums over the past few months, but I am not clear on this issue.

I’m about 6” EL and 6.5” EG. I’d like to be 8” EL but no bigger.

So is it true that stretching and hanging will result in length increases but minimal girth increase? And is it true that jelqing will primarily increase girth? My wife’s already warned me that if I gain any girth, oral is out.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

jimbeaux, it is difficult to isolate one from the other. If you increase length, there is a chance that you will be increasing girth at the same time.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


What does she think to the idea of more length?

My wife is the opposite! She said no more length, but more girth is OK. See my thread: My cock is nearly too big!

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Jim, I’m no expert, but from the tons of information I’ve read, It’s impossible to gain one without the other (unless your one of the guys who just can’t gain length but can gain girth or vice versa). You will gain girth, but not as much as if your were working both dimensions equally. I’m guessing that you won’t go over 7.2 inches in girth if you stick to strictly length exercises. As well though, if you do length exercises with too much force (hanging too heavy; stretching too hard etc) you’ll work girth more as compared to hanging and stretching lightly.

Btw, 6.5 inch girth is pretty big. Is that measured mid shaft or at the base?

In my experience, girth is far slower and more difficult to gain than length period. But focusing on stretching and hanging and ADS s will focus far more on length.

Originally Posted by marky777

What does she think to the idea of more length?

My wife is the opposite! She said no more length, but more girth is OK. See my thread: My cock is nearly too big!

Marky777, I’ve read your thread and many more of your posts. They usually include enough titillating information to make me want to read more!

We’ve never had a problem with bottoming out. As far as I know, I’ve never hit her CDS, although I’m not sure what I’d feel if I were hitting it. I do know that she’ll never be able to deep throat me, whether or not I get more length. With the girth I have now, she often complains of a sore jaw afterwards, and the only position where I can get my full length down her throat is either in 69 or with her head hanging over the bed. I do like it when she takes me with her head hanging over the bed, as it gives me a chance to play with her pussy. And for some reason I don’t understand, lately she’s developed an affinity for what we call ‘pussy spanking,’ which is easy to do if she’s taking me in her mouth with her head hanging over the bed.

So, that’s the long answer. The short answer is, she’s never had an issue with my length now, so I’d like to gain length until she DOES start to have issues with it, and then back off a tad. Truth be told, I’d love to get up to 8" but will be satisfied with 7". That combined with my girth will do a lot for my sexual self image. Sigh! I’d love to have a monster cock. Maybe one day.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

Originally Posted by Praseo59
Jim, I’m no expert, but from the tons of information I’ve read, It’s impossible to gain one without the other (unless your one of the guys who just can’t gain length but can gain girth or vice versa). You will gain girth, but not as much as if your were working both dimensions equally. I’m guessing that you won’t go over 7.2 inches in girth if you stick to strictly length exercises. As well though, if you do length exercises with too much force (hanging too heavy; stretching too hard etc) you’ll work girth more as compared to hanging and stretching lightly.

Btw, 6.5 inch girth is pretty big. Is that measured mid shaft or at the base?

That’s pretty much measured mid-shaft. I’m 50 years old, and while I’ve had women tell me before that I’m extra thick, it wasn’t until recently that I did enough research to figure out that 6.5" is fairly unusual. This site made it pretty clear to me: http://www.mrav … . According to that chart, a guy who’s on the large side of average is still about 40% smaller than me in total volume. Not sure how scientifically accurate it is, but other sites I’ve been to have shown similar stats.

We confirmed my measurements one day by making a "clone-a-willy" of my cock when it was erect. Kind of difficult to keep a full erection when you’re making one of those, but after we made the clone and it had dried, we measured it as well. Mid shaft, it’s 6.5 on a usual day. If I take viagra or cialis, I actually can get a tad bit larger. BTW, that clone has led to some interesting sessions!

Learning that I am unusually thick has had a HUGE impact on my sexual self image. Now I’d like to be on the large side of normal as well, and I am also actively working on more flaccid length. I’ve always been much more of a grower than shower.

After another year of PE, if I’ve gained in girth, I’ll probably quit and just be satisfied with what I have. Of Course, that’s what led to this question in the first place. I don’t want to sacrifice my wife’s oral skills just so I look better in my jeans, or can go deeper into her.

As a side note, my wife has no idea whether I’m unusual or not. At age 46, I marred a 39 year old virgin who had never seen a real, live, erect cock - much less touched one!

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

Last edited by jimbeaux : 11-11-2009 at .

Originally Posted by jimbeaux

As a side note, my wife has no idea whether I’m unusual or not. At age 46, I marred a 39 year old virgin who had never seen a real, live, erect cock - much less touched one!

How sweet. She is lucky to have met you, and no doubt vice-versa. In reality you already have quite a monster on your hands. I don’t know if the 6” is NBP or BP, but with 6.5” girth you have it where it counts - and some :)

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by marky777
How sweet. She is lucky to have met you, and no doubt vice-versa. In reality you already have quite a monster on your hands. I don’t know if the 6” is NBP or BP, but with 6.5” girth you have it where it counts - and some :)

I know I’m lucky to have her! For being completely sexually innocent when I met her, she made astounding leaps and bounds and is amazingly open to new and different things.

The 6” is BP, unfortunately, and I have a pretty thick fat pad. NBP is about 5.5”, which I know is completely average but I’m not satisfied with it.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony

Go buy yourself an All-Day Stretcher. This one looks economical: Size Matters Penile Aide Device – Healthy & Active.

Thanks for the link! When money isn’t as tight, I’ll have to seriously look at all the ADS devices.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

Not a noose-style like that one, jiim, for most of guys those are pretty much torture devices. Stick on manual stretches and if they don’t work swith to a vac-hanger or a vac-ads.

In all likelihood and what has been my experience with hanging routines, you are more likely to lose some girth. With about every half inch you gain in length you will sacrifice about a sixteenth in girth; this assumes that you are strictly hanging or stretching. I would not worry about gaining girth with length routines, if girth increases are gained it will be minimal and most likely only at the base of the penis. I gained 2 inches in length and noticed girth reductions along the way, and this occurred while working just as diligently on girth. Girth loss is a product of length gains in my case.

You gained 2” in length Swingloshi? In how many months? Do you have pics?

It took about 3 years to realize two inches for me and maybe a little more. I do not have before pix; also lost about 15lbs of body weight in the process, I am sure this helped me realize a good quarter inch.

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