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semi-erect? + Grower vs shower

semi-erect? + Grower vs shower

All that I’ve read says that to jelq you’re supposed to be semi-erect. I’m finding this one difficult as, as soon as I start, I get a raging erection(full to bursting). Is this going to be less effective in the long run? Will I be more likely to harm myself?

The reason I’m doing this is hopefully to increase the size
when flacid, I’ve got a decent size when erect but I’m very much a grower rather than a shower. I go from about 2.75” flacid to 7” erect. Any idea of the differing results when comparing someone like myself and someone like my boyf who’s erection isn’t much bigger than when at rest? Any ideas on who’d benifit the most?

Many thanks in advance

Here’s my uneducated opinion:

a) Jelqing when 70-80% erect plus helps girth more than when you’ve got a less intense erection. But it can cause more burst blood vessels etc since there’s already a hell of a lot of blood down there and not much room to move it around in.

b) I’ve always assumed someone with a larger flaccid penis could make greater gains through jelqing since they’d have more area to push blood through. Maybe I’m wrong and the fact you’ve already got an obviously impressive blood flow makes the whole process a lot easier. Whatever the case, stretching does more for flaccid size than jelqing.

That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.


Jelqing with a full erection is very risky for the most advanced PE’er. For a newbie it would be a mistake to continue with that approach.

When you are working, try to mentally visualize images that are less stimulating to help keep your erections down. You can also just stop and let it subside a bit before you continue on with a 100% erection.

Jelqing will help increase blood flow, as time goes by it will help to increase your flaccid size, and usually this is the first signs of growth.


Thank you for the replys. I guess part of the prob is that I’m new to this and I suppose that in time it’ll seem less erotic. After all it’s not soooo far removed from masterbation, I guess if I do that first I’ll have a better chance of being less engorged.

Moderator, you’ve been a member of this forum since the beginning of the year, any chance you can give me an idea of the gains you’ve made since then? Thanks.


Here is a thread I talked about my gains and workout used…

A pumpers routine


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