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Simple question about measuring

Simple question about measuring

What are all the abbreviations for measuring and their meaning. When I measure I have always gone from the base without pushing in or anything, I just let the ruler rest on my dick. Otherwise I would feel like Im cheating. I don’t think you can really count all of your dick because if you GF/Wife/Sexual partner isn’t getting the base it doesn’t make sense to count further inwards than the base.
Well anyway I just wanted to know different abbreviations and the meanings.


This article contains a lot of information for the beginner. It includes a link to this page which will provide you with a glossary of PE terms.


If you go to the Pe glossary from westla’s link you’ll find the definitions.

To add just a bit, I think most agree that measuring from the base gives you the most use full information as that is what you see and what will actually “go into” your partner.

However for purposes of keeping track of gains most of us use the bone pressed method, that’s because it seems to be the most consistent measurer.

By pressing firmly into the pubic bone you have a definite starting point.

But (at least for me) when measuring from the base of the penis sometimes I press in slightly and sometimes I find it difficult to determine where, beneath the pubic hair, the “exact spot” the abdomen ends and the shaft begins.

I can vary this spot by maybe a 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch on any particular day, and though that doesn’t seem like much, since gains are so slow I like to know just how much I’ve grown in any month. An 1/8 of an inch is a big deal for me.

Anyway that’s my long winded reasoning.

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