Originally Posted by qxfdg3j3
Hey guys, I’ve been lurking around for quite some time, and I’m ready to start doing the routine. What advice can you give to someone who is primarily interested in girth and EQ. Length is about 6.5 bone pressed, and girth is 4.8 at thickest. I wouldn’t mind some length too, but primarily would like girth. I consider myself quite active in sports, so EQ should be great, but I find that I lose the quality sometimes, and it’s very dependent on my level of activity for the given day.
Thanks in advance!
The best way to go is the Newbue Routine.
First it conditions your dick to exercise in a somewhat gentle manner. and you can increase the strength gradually to further condition your dick for more advanced routines.
Try it for about three months. It might help if you report your routines and how it is working for you so we can give you advice on any changes that might be worthwhile.
After that you can consider more advanced Routines such as clammping; pumping etc. So you can work on any specila areas
Good luck and keep us informed.
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