Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stepping out of Newbie Routine. New Plans. Advice

Stepping out of Newbie Routine. New Plans. Advice

Greetings All,
It’s been 10 months since I started being a frequent visitor to Thunder’s Place. I normally read it throughout the day while at home and work. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this site, members such as myself have access to a wealth of information. I have learned a lot in the 10 months and I want to thank each and everyone here, especially Thunder and the mods! Up until 2 weeks ago, I had been doing the newbie routine for 6 months straight. About 5days out of each week. It’s hard for me to get much “alone time” as I work often and am smothered most of the other times by my girlfriend. I try and make time now right after work before my girlfriend comes to my home. At the moment I am wanting to increase my length (ultimate goal 8”) and once complete I would like to start increasing my girth (ultimate goal 6”+). My starting stat was 5&3/4”NBPELx4&3/4”. I am currently at 6”NBELx5”. For the past 2 weeks I have been doing a routine that I designed from all the information I have gathered from Thunder’s.

1on/2off of the following is what I am currently doing:

+10min rice warm.
+10min stretch (SO,you,D,L,R,BTC,rotary).
+5min rice warm.
+20 minute hang @ 7.5lbs (started @ 5, and just raised it to 7.5 since my last workout).
+5min rice warm.
+20 minute hang @ 7.5lbs.
+5min rice warm.
+20 minute hang @ 7.5lbs.
+5min rice warm.
+15 minutes of jelqing @ 40%-75% erection (3-5 sec strokes w/10-15 sec hold kegels).
*About 30 seconds before I finish my jelq set, I try and get a full pump and engorge my cock with as much fluid/blood as possible and slide my cock ring on. I keep it on for about 30minutes*
+10 minutes rice warm.
+Hot shower.

I hang using Monkeybar’s VacExtender. I also do my manual stretches with it too. I have had no problems/injuries (knock on wood). By the end of my routine my pecker feels fatigued. I have to concentrate real hard to actually make it stand at attention. The 2 off days following my routine I spend doing NO PE. Should I be kegeling on my days off or doing penis tugs during my pee breaks?

Please make any recommendations to my routine and/or any advice for a newbie like myself. I hope to continue this for many many years (or when I finally reach and cement my 8x6 cock!).

I’m 5’9”, 175lbs, 29y.o. I drink a gallon of water a day and live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I take many supplements. They include: MultiVitamin - ADAM, Coenzyme Q10, MSM, Glucosamine HCL / Chondroitin Sulfate, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega-3 Fatty Acid - Fish Oil, Grean Tea Extract w/EGCG, Ginseng (Panax/American/Siberian), ZMA, and L-Arginine.

Happy Hanging,

It’s probably better if the cockring is done in few minutes increments like 5 minutes on 2 minute shake and break, 7 minutes on 2 minutes shake and break and a long 10 minutes. Just a suggestion.

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