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Still having problems keeping 70-80% erection during PE


Still having problems keeping 70-80% erection during PE

Hello, men.

I am looking to start more advanced routines now that my newbie routine gains have waned. But before I move on, I would like to master this issue I have had since my earliest days of PE, my erection just will not stay during my 1 to 1:30 hour routines. I have to continually stop to regain my erection, causing my to waste time and interest. What’s worse is that I have to stealth PE, so if I am unable to access porn one day, I won’t even jelq because it is just not worth it. Those days are spent just stretching out, which doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on me.

Anyway, maybe it is time to move onto weights and more advanced routines for length only (I will do girth on its own when I’m happy with my length). It’s just this damn erect jelq that kills me, even while watching porn, if I’m not constantly stimulating my dick at a good speed, I start going limp and eventually go back to a mid flaccid state that produces weak results. Is it possible to get length gains with just stretches? I could just do heavy stretching 4 days a week instead of my stretch/jelq newbie combo.

Any input on this would be appreciated. Does anyone else suffer from going limp if they are not PE’ing at a masturbation rate?

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Research the kegel exercise! I had the same problem at first but after doing about 6 weeks of kegels my erections were rock hard on command. Hope this helps!

Thanks for that.

Unfortunately, I kegel like a beast after my workouts. Maybe like 100 10 second holds or something like that, it’s ridiculous. I also kegel during my commute to work on a train ride that last about 1:45, the entire ride.

I guess what I’m really looking for is for exercises that allow for gains in length without having to rely too much on a big erection. Maybe something that can be done flaccidly? I would use the search, forgive me, but I don’t even know what I would be searching for.

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Originally Posted by bobrossx
Hello, men.

I am looking to start more advanced routines now that my newbie routine gains have waned. But before I move on, I would like to master this issue I have had since my earliest days of PE, my erection just will not stay during my 1 to 1:30 hour routines.
I have to continually stop to regain my erection, causing my to waste time and interest. What’s worse is that I have to stealth PE, so if I am unable to access porn one day, I won’t even jelq because it is just not worth it. Those days are spent just stretching out, which doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on me.

Anyway, maybe it is time to move onto weights and more advanced routines for length only (I will do girth on it’s own when I’m happy with my length). It’s just this damn erect jelq that kills me, even while watching porn, if I’m not constantly stimulating my dick at a good speed, I start going limp and eventually go back to a mid flaccid state that produces weak results. Is it possible to get length gains with just stretches? I could just do heavy stretching 4 days a week instead of my stretch/jelq newbie combo.

Any input on this would be appreciated. Does anyone else suffer from going limp if they are not PE’ing at a masturbation rate?

Ok, don’t worry about your semi erection subsiding during a jelq session. Let it completely die down to flaccid state then re-heat it, build it back up again. Deflating and inflating the penis may actually be good for it. Introducing new oxygenated blood into it. `One hour and thirty minutes may be to much PE, it likely is to much!

Relax while doing PE, get your self into a calm state of bliss. You seem frustrated, this t\frustration may stop your gains. I think an erection level between 40-60% is better for length. Above 70% is better for girth. Don’t watch porn while you do PE, concentrate on your jelqing style. Jelq slow 5 second per jelq stroke or more.

Are you warming up for PE? What is wrong with stretching this should not be avoided. Are you taking rest breaks from PE or are you doing this one and a half hour thing everyday?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Try jelqing first straight after your warm up, stretch after.

I find that this helps because the glans get a bit desensitized from grabbing the glans during stretching.

Try edging before does work for me and 40 to 50 erection are just fine.

My routine is as follows:

5minute - Rice sock

5minute - assorted stretches
5minute - BTC stretch
5minute - assorted stretches

15minute - jelq at 60-80%
1minute - rest
15minute - jelq at 60-80%

5minute - rice sock

This is then followed by long periods of kegels, I really enjoy doing these, so I just spend an obscene amount of time doing them after a workout and on my off days.

Yeah, I know this isn’t really 1 1/2 hours, but with all of the interruptions, stealth PE, going flaccid etc., it often comes out to be much longer than planed.

You’re right, kingpole, I am a bit stressed, work and school have me tweaked out, but while I PE, I am generally in a good mood, especially since I know it works. And, I do exactly 5 second jelqs, but really need some form of stimulation to get my meat going. I remember I tried to PE in my bathroom one day and it was a nightmare, I was losing my erection like crazy and just ended up taking an off day. To be honest, also, I think that if I would let my erection go and try to build it up again would just take too much time that I don’t really have. :-(

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Originally Posted by l7vincent3l
Try edging before does work for me and 40 to 50 erection are just fine.

This might work, I have done edging before PE and the PE session seems to be more consistent.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

OK, I’ll try edging today. That’s when you slide flaccidly through on a horizontal surface, right?

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Thanks you guys, I feel better already!

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Hahaha, I guess I’m still doing it wrong. I just finished my 15 minutes of jelq, and am sitting on a pretty flaccid dick. The erection subsided somewhere around the 8 minute mark, and it was a battle to try and keep it up from there on out. I tried this without porn and it gave me the same effects as when I use it, so I’m just going to stick to complete silence while I PE. This will make stealth PE even easier, at least!

Damn this boner, I can’t even keep it at 50%, it’s like I get bored if I’m not trying to blow my load, honestly. Maybe I’ve masturbated too much in my life, but if I don’t maintain a fast rhythm on my strokes (a rapid pumping) I’m going to flatline.

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Read this Edging 101

Try masturbating only on rest days.. Or once every two weeks it will make you more and more horny.

Originally Posted by bobrossx
Hello, men.

I am looking to start more advanced routines now that my newbie routine gains have waned. But before I move on, I would like to master this issue I have had since my earliest days of PE, my erection just will not stay during my 1 to 1:30 hour routines. I have to continually stop to regain my erection, causing my to waste time and interest. What’s worse is that I have to stealth PE, so if I am unable to access porn one day, I won’t even jelq because it is just not worth it. Those days are spent just stretching out, which doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on me.

Anyway, maybe it is time to move onto weights and more advanced routines for length only (I will do girth on its own when I’m happy with my length). It’s just this damn erect jelq that kills me, even while watching porn, if I’m not constantly stimulating my dick at a good speed, I start going limp and eventually go back to a mid flaccid state that produces weak results. Is it possible to get length gains with just stretches? I could just do heavy stretching 4 days a week instead of my stretch/jelq newbie combo.

Any input on this would be appreciated. Does anyone else suffer from going limp if they are not PE’ing at a masturbation rate?

Hey bobrossx,
This is nothing related to your problem. (Since I would have given the same advice- masturbate once in 5 days and you will be damn horny) I am sorry for taking up your thread space. But, how did you manage to have a 3-line signature?

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

Originally Posted by bobrossx
My routine is as follows:

5minute - Rice sock

5minute - assorted stretches
5minute - BTC stretch
5minute - assorted stretches

15minute - jelq at 60-80%
1minute - rest
15minute - jelq at 60-80%

5minute - rice sock

This is then followed by long periods of kegels, I really enjoy doing these, so I just spend an obscene amount of time doing them after a workout and on my off days.

Yeah, I know this isn’t really 1 1/2 hours, but with all of the interruptions, stealth PE, going flaccid etc., it often comes out to be much longer than planed.

You’re right, kingpole, I am a bit stressed, work and school have me tweaked out, but while I PE, I am generally in a good mood, especially since I know it works. And, I do exactly 5 second jelqs, but really need some form of stimulation to get my meat going. I remember I tried to PE in my bathroom one day and it was a nightmare, I was losing my erection like crazy and just ended up taking an off day. To be honest, also, I think that if I would let my erection go and try to build it up again would just take too much time that I don’t really have. :-(

You got a good routine going on there. Do you have problem getting erection when you jerk off or have sex?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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