Thunder's Place

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Stretching Device for newb use

Stretching Device for newb use

Hey, I tried posting this thread earlier but had problems and it never showed up, so here I go again.

The kind of stretching device I have in mind are the ones that are made for traction, with a circular base that fits over your cock, then two outstretching thin rods on each side connecting to a head piece that holds a silicone ring. This ring is placed against and underneath your penis head, and by adjusting the metal rods you can create a traction/stretch.

The advantages it seems, is that you can possibly wear it in baggy pants - maybe at home or work all day. And that it is also made of “industry-grade” materials so that it is supposedly sturdier and more efficient in it’s use.

The disadvantages are that it’s over-priced where ever you go looking for it.

So my questions would be:

1) Anyone here experienced with such devices, and if so what is your opinion on their worth and effectiveness?

2) Anyone recommend them as part of a newbie routine or any routine at all?

3) I’m mostly in need for girth, but I don’t mind anything that will help with length, and/or a girth & length combo, what do these stretchers primarily work? (I’m guessing length?)

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First you should always use the search button to check threads for your answers. People get mad around here if you don’t.

What you are referring to are extender’s and ADS, All Day Stretchers. Search them out. If you want some advice, stick with the newbie routine for about three to five months until your penis is conditioned enough to move on to other things. Dry jelqing helps for girth at about 50 to 80 % erect. If you are dead set on getting an ADS, try Monkeybar sells a vac ads that’s pretty mch the safest out there.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Welcome to Thunder’s Place D2G. When we have threads about commercial products and their effectiveness, we put them in the Review Forum. You can find all kinds of All Day Stretch (ADS) devices and their evaluation in that forum. Once you go to the forum you can search within the forum using the “Search this Forum” drop down menu at the right side of the page near the top. Of course it helps to know the name of the device or category, such as ADS, so it’s understandable why it was not easy to find something using the search button.

Here’s one popular model of the kind of ADS you described:

Penimaster anyone tried it?

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