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Stretching for length and jelqing for girth

Stretching for length and jelqing for girth

Hi newbie here.
Is it as above or both of them will enable you to have length?

My main focus is length.

Any advice for length?

Thanks in advance for a newbie.

I am Newbie as well but I have been reading around and as I understand it stretching can not increase girth at all. Jelqing can do both I think. If I’m wrong someone else please correct me. So keep on doing what your doing. Good luck.

The way I understand it, Jelqing benefits both length and girth.

When I jelq, I do very slow ones 3-5 seconds and I do them standing up. I also pull my dick strait down. I get a real good stretch from each jelq.

I also believe in jelqing two sessions a day, every day. Make them short sessions. 10-15 minutes each. This way you will not be overdoing it.

Just my 2 cents worth………


I agree with Vincent Von Cock and I also recommend two small sessions during the day. I wet jelq for 10-15 minutes around 5:00am then again around 8:00pm. I also do a 5-7 minute stretching routine, which is made up of about 5 thirty second stretches—straight up and straight out.

I personally find that stretching alone will not yield maximum length gains. A combination of both stretching and jelqing gives me good gains.

So, I’d recommend doing both techniques for length gains.


Hey alfred,

It depends on the person really. I believe now that it is essential to incorporate both stretching and jelqing to produce length and girth gains. Yes stretching will gain mostly length but it also promotes girth gains. The same applies to jelqing. It will gain you mostly girth but it promotes length gains as well.

Let’s just use the balloon analogy (because we all love the balloon analogy. :D ). What do you do before you blow up a balloon? You stretch it to be able to accommodate the air you will blow into it. What happens when you stretch the balloon? Does it just get longer? No, it depends on the shape of the balloon really. All stretching does is loosens the fibers so it can expand to a greater capacity. How it “adjusts” depends on the shape of the balloon. For example, if you have a perfectly round balloon and you stretch it long ways (pulling on the valve and the top of the balloon), will the balloon be oblong when you blow it up? No. It retains it’s roundness, but it is able to expand more. I believe that is how it works with the penis to an extent. I say to an extent because when you stretch you are also stretching the ligs which will affect length pretty much exclusively. However, when we are talking of tunica stretching, as I said before, I believe it promotes length and girth.

Have I explained that understandably? Do people agree with that train of thought?


I see I understand already

It’s better to have a mix of exercise


Originally Posted by alfred_62
I see I understand already
It’s better to have a mix of exercise

Hi bro,
glad to see you here…

Happy gaining! :)

I hve found that if you jelq strait down while standing up it gives a good stretch and I think it is good for length. Nice, slow, firm jelqs, strait down. I can feel the tugging way up in my stomach and bottom chest.

Hope this helps,


I do 2300 jelqs a day (2 to 2 1/2 hours). I have to agree with the esteemed Mr. Van Cock that straight up and down definately helps.

I also strongly believe that stretching, or hanging, is essential for length gains, while jelqing is essential for girth gains.

I personally have done both to reach the size I am now, but always remember that everyone is different, and that you should try different techniques to find what works best for you. Listen to the advice of those that have been peing for awhile and take everything slowly to avoid injury.


Originally Posted by Iwant10inches
I do 2300 jelqs a day (2 to 2 1/2 hours). I have to agree with the esteemed Mr. Van Cock that straight up and down definately helps.

I also strongly believe that stretching, or hanging, is essential for length gains, while jelqing is essential for girth gains.

I personally have done both to reach the size I am now, but always remember that everyone is different, and that you should try different techniques to find what works best for you. Listen to the advice of those that have been peing for awhile and take everything slowly to avoid injury.


WoW!!! You are comitted! That’s impressive. I am inspired by folks like you.


whoa…2300 a day, thats insane. if it works for you more power to you.

Iwant10inches what is your current stats?

Originally Posted by Iwant10inches

I do 2300 jelqs a day (2 to 2 1/2 hours).

Impressive! At what percentage you jelq, and how you avoid to go limp with such a long workout? (that’s a problem of mine too, but I jelq for much less time!)

-- Wiz How many "free willing" partners/year when not in long relationship?

After 4 months on, 5 months off, BPEL x EG: 7.3\'\' x 4.6\'\'

Starting Stats, April 2005, BPEL x EG: 7.0\'\' x 4.3\'\'

Current stats are :

7 3/4 BPEL
6 7/8 EG

The 2300 jelqs is against the advice of the PE guru, BIB.

I try to jelq at around 50 to 75 percent erection. In the beginning, it was very hard for me to maintain that much of an erection.

I started doing 500 jelqs without any problem, but once I got up to 1200, it started to go limp on me. To help solve this problem, I currently use alot of pornography as well as stroking the head every few strokes. Believe me, it works.

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