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Stretching on Rest Days

Stretching on Rest Days

Would it be considered ok to stretch on a rest day?

I haven’t yet adapted a routine and just going for a 3 on, 1 off kinda thing

Would it be ok to stretch on the day off or just leave it to rest properly?

|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

Let it rest.

Yeh it’s just that other people, say it’s better not to have any rest days at all up until they really think they need it to prevent injury, but I’m not going to risk it anyway

From what I’ve already read it’s probably best to rest.

|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

New B!

I have also started a little more than a week ago so it’s great having someone starting with PE about the same time. What are your current stats and what goal do wanna reach using PE?

BPEL Starting PE Jan 2009@7.1*5.3 (18*13.5 cm)

Current: 20th March 2009: 7.4*5.6 (18.7* 14.4 cm)

Realistic goal 2010-11: 8*6 (20*15.2 cm) --- Dream goal: 8.5"*6.3" (21.5*16 cm)

Originally Posted by New B
Would it be considered ok to stretch on a rest day?

I haven’t yet adapted a routine and just going for a 3 on, 1 off kinda thing

Would it be ok to stretch on the day off or just leave it to rest properly?

Hey man, congrats on getting started! Stay dedicated and listen to your dick and you are sure to gain!

I was on the 3 on 1 “light day” routine and I end up finding out that this was too strenuous for my penis. My erection quality decreased, it became hard for me to get an erection, and my spontaneous erections were basically non-existent. About 2 weeks later, now I am back to normal! So, I am going back to the 2 on 1 “light day” routine.

Like you, and others, I want to keep my penis extended and allow it to heal in the extended state. I did the 2 day 1 “light day” routine for 4 weeks straight, without any negative consequences, and gained some erect length. On my “light days” I used my VacExtender to hang ~1 pound of weight from my penis during the day. In the morning and night I would do some Cheeva Jelqs.

In conclusion, I would not recommend the 3 on, 1 stretch day, but instead would recommend the 2 on 1 stretch day.

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

I forgot how to quote but in reply to VISSE
Current Stats are BPEL 6.2” (haven’t measured Girth not bothered about it) I want to get EL to about 6.5”, then ill work from there.

To XTENDEDDICK: I think ill take your advice and go for the 2on 1 light regime as I’ve read that your unit will adapt to the conditions, so ill start easy and build up slowly. Cheers

|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

I would just let it rest bro, I mean maybe every other rest day do a stretch but that thing needs a nap here and there too

Age - 18 * Hobbie - Weight Lifting / PE

Current Stats: Goal Stats For Now:

BPEL = 6.5" BPEG = 4.75" BPEL = 7" BPEG = 5.5"

Well a 2 on 1 off newbie routine it is.

|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

Yep best to rest at first.

Here’s a picture showing where the button to quote is:

(20.0 KB, 25 views)

Yea I realised that after I posted but, when you click on post reply, you can’t quote from anyone,

Cheers tho


|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

In my first few months I only did light stretching on rest days where as now (half way through month 5), I pretty much do same stretching as usual. If you do choose to stretch on rest days, only do a light session and let your dick (and erection quality) be your guide. And also ease into it. It depends on how heavy your girth sessions are also, if you do heavy girth work it might be better to rest completely. But if it’s a light girth routine, maybe you can get away with more stretching and less rest days. That’s how it is for me. I usually rest 1 day per week, but in last 2 months do basically no girth work (5 min of jelqs twice per week). Since you are in your first month, take it easy and gradually ease into any changes, it’s better to be safe then sorry. And the best advice of all, as you get more PE experience, experiment and find out what works best for you.

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