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Stretching technique; I'm doing it wrong...

Stretching technique; I'm doing it wrong...

I recently realized that I felt like with stretching and jelqing, I’d do stretching for 5 mins then require about 20 mins of jelqing to not kill my erection, like fix my EQ.

SO I went back and read about stretching and it says that apparently I’m doing it wrong.

I grab directly underneath the head and use it for leverage when that’s supposed to be bad. So for 2 days I attempted grabbing below the head to see if I can not need to do quadruple jeqling to fix my EQ damage.

For some reason my foreskin shifts up around the head while I try to do this. It slides over making it really weird to grip, and pretty much the same as just grabbing the head anyways…

Is that supposed to happen? I don’t look stretched like I used to after doing this stretch, nor does it feel like the same power of the stretch as I used to have.

I’m around 6.5 inches length, but VERY SMALL non erect, like maybe 3 inches tops, which makes it pretty difficult…

Any tips? Any technique help? Am I better off just grabbing the head? Will it get better if I just keep letting it slide over the head?

On other forums it says it’s okay to grab below the head, perhaps I’m just using too much force?

I stretch grabbing the head, the guide here lands to grab an inch below the glans

IMO, just do what works for you, just make sure to use pain/pleasure indicators as a sign of whether or not to proceed

Don’t let it slide over your head. I still have this problem, it’s just one we uncut guys have to deal with. Retract your foreskin 80% so that there isn’t much slack, and hold the loose skin to your base with your other hand. With the stretching hand, grab your frenulum, about half an inch below your coronal ridge if your flaccid is small. Otherwise, get 10% or 20% erect and grab it an inch below.

Also, make sure you’re grabbing the lateral sides of your penis and not the top and bottom. You don’t want to damage your dorsal nerve.

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