Struggling with gains - routine advice
Just feeling like my gains have ceased. Can anyone help me with my routine. Over the last year, I’ve been pretty darn consistent with PE with respect to putting in the time, but I have also been all over the place with my actual routines in an effort to explore what works for me and what does not. I stared with the newbie for 4 months, then started exploring with hanging, pumping, clamping and manual exercises. The last about 5 months I have narrowed it down to a standard workout that I attempt to hit 5 days a week. Here it is
- Heating pad for 5 mins warmup
- 5lbs btc hang 20 mins
- 2 sets 10lb btc hang for 20 mins (I’ve also explored some OTS and SO hangs at this point)
- Jelqing - depends on how much time I have - usually between 100-300
- Sometimes Ill mix in some clamping here if I feel like it.
Not much, but if I can ill clamp a few more sets
I’ve limited my clamping sets to no less them 5 mins and no more then 10 mins. I have found that if I go any longer then 10 I’m almost guaranteed to get a clot.
Anyway, the last 2 days I completely switch my BTC hanging focus (the 2 x 20 min sets) to OTS, although I did keep the 5lb warmup BTC set.
Like I said, just looking for ideas