swimcap hanging
Hey guys:
I’ve been jelqing for about 2 months now, with a bit of a gain in length and width, and I started hanging about 2 weeks ago. Just tonight went from 7 to ten pounds and I’m pretty excited by how stretched out I’ve become. Hope it stays. I’m trying to do this cheaply and all home-made, I made my own powerjelq and am currently hanging with a swim cap. Question: How much more weight will I be hanging until I’ll need to upgrade to a Bib hanger? I was hoping to get to 6 inches (currently on the short side at about 5.5 bone pressed) with the swim cap, so I won’t have to buy the bib-starter.
I was a bit discouraged last week, but today in the john I pulled out my dick to piss and I thought, hey, theres more to hold onto down here!