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Taoism's Million Dollar Point

Taoism's Million Dollar Point

I’m new and came to this forum in search for help on an injury but instead found I cannot post in the injury thread yet so I’d like to bring awareness towards a Taoist practice I’ve been benefiting from for a couple years called The Million Dollar point. The name sounds goofy because it is but it leaves you feeling like a “million dollars”. I would reference it on Google for a more articulate description but it’s basically this

Right before you cum, press down and hold on the center of your taint.
If you do it correctly you will achieve orgasm without ejaculating. It will feel weak the first few times you do it but eventually it becomes a more powerful orgasm. It will make your dick pulse more and you will continue to feel strong afterwards instead of the drained feeling after ejaculating. You might even be able to perform again and achieve a second orgasm without recuperation. The orgasm sensation, instead of shooting out of you, travels up your spine and into your head. I would imagine this is what a woman’s orgasm feels like. I would often only do this while alone, so as when I have sex, the feeling of ejaculating would be a special moment for me, but you could get your partner involved and practice it with them.

Overall I feel stronger physically and more confident in my sexual performance after practicing it. Lord knows how much I taxed my glandular system before being aware of this. Not having to clean up my own cum is satisfying as well.

I mention the glandular system because they are very tied to your health, sexually and holistically, not just your testes and prostate gland but all of your glands.

If you want to check if you’ve done this correctly, or make sure you are still producing semen, you can urinate afterwards. If you achieved what is called “injaculation” instead of ejaculation, your urine will be more bubbly, and will appear cloudy when the bubbles settle.

If you reference this topic and I had forgotten anything, please join in on discussion and let others know.

Thank you, enjoy :)

That is very interesting. Never heard that before.

Also, if you have an injury post it on the “Penis Enlargement” forum and put a note in the top of your post asking a mod to move it. One of us, probably me, will move it if we see it’s an Injury post.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I am Taoist and never heard that translation. Sounds like a later and lost from reality sect. I am not sure how it relates to PE, but you can definitely channel your energy and fuck all night with out coming. Karma Sutra, whatever, this is very late “Taoism”, in fact it is not at all Taoist. ……but there is truth is what you say. Don’t bring Taoism into though as you know not of what you speak. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Crazy Dave
I am Taoist and never heard that translation. Sounds like a later and lost from reality sect. I am not sure how it relates to PE, but you can definitely channel your energy and fuck all night with out coming. Karma Sutra, whatever, this is very late “Taoism”, in fact it is not at all Taoist. ……but there is truth is what you say. Don’t bring Taoism into though as you know not of what you speak. Thanks.

I would be careful. There are many paths and one that differs from yours isn’t wrong. Saying that someone doesn’t know what it is that they speak is anti-ethical to Taoism, which is to live and let live without aggression as I understand it.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.


The Daoist practice you describe is effectively coming from long times ago and is described in some texts I browsed through long times ago. I tried it myself and it worked up to a certain level. The oriental understanding is that loosibg semen is a loss of the male energy Chi which is considered to be negative.

But then I understood that basically it is just a clamping grip similar to what sexology calls the "coitus saxonicus" which holds back the semen ejaculation and redirects it into the bladder. The grip is just at a different position(behind the testicles on the inner penis instead of the base of the outer penis at the saxonicus variant).

By today, physicians have some divergent views about the risks of having ejaculations into the bladder especially regarding the infection risk. It mainly is because if the "valve" (the muscles at the bladder neck) are forcefully opened and loose tightness over time.

See https://en.m.wi … ade_ejaculation

I just may express some indication af being carefull if doing it for longer time.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I would be careful. There are many paths and one that differs from yours isn’t wrong. Saying that someone doesn’t know what it is that they speak is anti-ethical to Taoism, which is to live and let live without aggression as I understand it.

Your right and thanks. I was quite drunk and should of left that last sentence out. My apologies to everyone. Let me dig through some books and see if i can’t find some good source material instead of being a dick…

Retro ejaculating is dangerous imo, I got an infection from it. Not sure why you would feel less of an effect from it, I felt the same as regular ejaculation except worse, dry orgasms are an other story but they are not achieved that way afaik.

I very much support Walter’s statement about the dangers. What eness describes is definitely a technique for a retrograde orgasm and not a dry orgasm. As far as I remember that effectively has been described by Daoists first time.

A real dry orgasm, where no seminal fluid at all gets injected in the urethra, is very complicated to achieve. Mainly tantric texts describe exercises to achieve it. But be aware that it will take a long time to master that technique.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

The only dry orgasms I can achieve are from prostate stimulation. Quite nice if you can get into it.

Yogis used to ejaculate, and then suck the semen back up into their dick. Yes it’s possible, although I haven’t done it. If I remember right, they would figure out how to contract their bladder to create a vacuum, and then release to create suction and fill the bladder with whatever liquid the tip of the urethra was in. They’d practice on water I’m sure.

The practice was based on the (in my opinion) erroneous belief that putting semen back in the body would have the same effects as not ejaculating it in the first place. I.e. no loss of energy. The “million dollar point” and retrograde ejaculation is the same idea - not letting the semen leave the body, and instead redirecting it to the bladder - in the belief that keeping the semen in the body would prevent energy loss.

I’ve done this for years, not regularly, but every once in a while. I’ve had no ill effect from it. But neither have I got a million dollars, if you know what I mean. The real loss of energy comes when the sperm leave the testes, and the testes have to make new sperm. Maybe, to a small degree, some of the semen goes back into the testes in a retrograde ejaculation. Or maybe less sperm leave the testes into the semen. I think most of the sperm end up in the bladder during most retrograde ejaculations. The energy loss is comparable to a normal ejaculation.

Neither method has the desired effect of preventing the energy loss of an ejaculation, in my experience. Flawed logic.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Taoism is about balance of energy, yin and yang. I would say energy is lost in the act of bringing yourself to orgasm, as well as having an orgasm, but there is a definite physical loss in ejaculation. Logic would say repeated physical loss would cause a lack of momentum/energy. I believe sex is a momentum. I’ve experienced enough droughts to know what being rusty feels like, as well have had partners that have brought me to peak sexual performance over time. Getting your testes’ production in harmony with your orgasms with out experiencing loss would increase longevity. It would also holistically benefit the glandular system and kidneys. Eastern medicine believes the kidneys to be our bodies center of Valor. Which might explain why people who jerk off alot don’t have the balls to ask a girl out, even though they have a high sex drive and asking her out is all they want to do. They have the balls, but don’t have the valor. I’m not here to dismiss, or upset anybodies status quo, or tell you right from wrong. I’m just sharing a philosophy I thought to be interesting.

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