That new guy with questions
First off, to everyone on the board, Hi! I just joined and just very recently found this place. After reading some of the post, I just had to join up. It seems everyone here is supportive and mature, which given my extensive Internet probing experience, was an incredibly pleasant surprise. Seriously, I smiled for 20 minutes when I found out about this place and it’s scientific method to approaching this subject. So, thanks for that!
I do have a few questions, and didn’t know quite how to search for the first one, so I made this post and decided to put the rest of my questions in it.
First, I have a question on technique with what I think was called the wet Jelq (spelled right?). I saw a .gif of it when exploring penis growth techniques, and when I attempted to mimic it, I had an issue with the skin just past the base of my penis. It stretches a lot, making it very difficult to continuously pull, as it pulls up a bunch of skin from my lower abdomen, and thus I have to some time and energy to pull the skin back into position. I hope that’s clear by explanation, as I don’t have a webcam and can’t show you what I mean. Anyway, if I managed to explain it well enough, and you understand the situation, do you have any advice or anything to help me out?
Second, does this site have a list of abbreviations and what they mean? When I was looking through many of the post, I ran into several that I couldn’t figure out.
Lastly, I was think about posting my results from day one, marking every week what techniques I used, length or girth gain or loss, and any sexual performance gain or degrade that are noticeable. My questions are, is this allowed on the boards, is it something the boards would be interested in, how does the board wish the reports documented (example: post every week, month, lump sum all results, etc.), and where do I post them if allowed?
Thanks much :) .