I really appreciate the information, all of you. TG is perhaps correct that I seem to be approaching this in too linear a fashion. I’m just trying to figure out what the best way is to approach this.
BW, you hit the nail on the head when it comes to uncertainty. I am at a point where I still don’t know if this works, or if the kinds of gains I desire are even possible for me to achieve. Having already devoted months to this goal while seeing no return is extremely frightening and disheartening. It makes me wonder if I’ll ever be able to get there, and how I can if it’s possible. At the same time, seeing the speed with which a lot of people on this forum have seen substantial gains, causes me to think I’m just doing it all wrong.
The bottom line is this: I’m here to get big. I understand that takes time. I want to ensure that time is utilized as efficiently as possible. I don’t want to be here a decade from now having gained some EQ while still being small.
Everyone is different, but our tissues still obey the same laws and principles. Nobody can tell you how long it will take to get 20 inch arms, but if you lift properly (correct intensity/load, nutrition, rest) you WILL get substantially bigger. I’m looking for the proper way, that’s all. A way that will give me consistent gains, perhaps a little at a time, but pennies turn to dollars. A way that will allow me to be confident that I’m not just pouring all of these hours into a pipe dream (no pun intended).
My hope is that the information necessary to achieve PE goals can be collected here, and that people such as myself can find the answers, and size, that they seek.
I hope that makes sense and you all understand where I’m coming from. These are the ramblings of a confused Newbie.