Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Guide to Gaining?


The Guide to Gaining?

So I’ve been in this PE game for almost 3 months now. My measurements show gains of 0.5 cm (in length and girth) which is not enough for me to rule out measuring errors and wishful thinking. I’ve read manuals, newbie threads, and the advice of grizzled veterans but the world of PE is.. Expansive. I feel like I’m stumbling around in the darkness with no clear direction and I’d like to remedy this sooner than later as I intend to gain substantially. So I am making this thread in the hopes that you fine gentlemen can show me, sequentially, the path to reliable and consistent gains (I am currently desiring about a 5 cm length gain and 2.5 cm girth increase, I hope that’s a reasonable goal).

My aim here is not just to collect this information for myself, but to connect the disparate and scattered pieces on this site into a cohesive whole; a Unified Theory of PE if you will (lofty I know). I’d like this to be a place where we can all come to gather the requisite data we need to confidently work towards our goals, and in turn learn enough so that PE (something thought by the mainstream to be impossible) is merely a matter of time and trying; making our sizes a matter of preference instead of circumstance.

I realize that biodiversity is a factor here. However, as with anything, I believe there is a method that will yield the greatest results for the greatest number of people.

So a friend of yours (knowing you PE but with no idea where to begin himself) asks that you to teach him. He wants to have the largest and healthiest penis that he possibly can. What would you tell him? What information would he need (warm-ups, technique, proper intensity, scheduling, recovery, health/nutrition, best routines and exercises, mindset/attitude, etc) to fulfill his penile potential?

Let’s get this thread going, and hopefully make it a one stop shop for the best and most effective information available in the game today. If you need any more PE pertinent information about me please feel free to ask (whether through PM or a post on the thread), and if you’d like to direct me personally to any information that will make me more effective/efficient please send it my way.

Now let’s gain together.

Very well written post. What comes to mind is an old thread by Toobsnake. I found it to be both supremely informative and motivational.

9 inches for christmas.

There's principalities in the whole thing.

One more thing for now. Breathing into your stretch is essential. Firegoat wrote a wonderful post on it a while ago. But essentially it’s allowing yourself to stretch and wait until everything is relaxed before stretching just a bit more, and repeating until you can’t stretch any more. This offers maximum extension plus you also end up not getting into a fight with your own penis.

There's principalities in the whole thing.

Find what works for you and stick to it.

I can not think fo anything else. PE works exactly as all other things in life.

Set a goal. Find what is best for your goal. Apply. Be patient. Achieve.

Second and fourth are the hardest parts.

As for the exercises, I find jelging the more proven. 99% of the times the customer is happy.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Big Worm, thank you and thank you for the link. I do have a couple of questions. Toobsnake made impressive gains in a relatively short span. Am I to understand that this was due to him keeping his penis in what seemed to be a constant state of stretch, with tension present for much of the day? Is that kind of pervasive load and high volume the key to gaining consistently? As for the stretching tip: Would you mind elaborating on the specifics of breathing into a stretch?

Bill10, well said on those second and fourth points. Any tips you can offer on the best ways to filter through the information and find the optimum routine? Any thoughts on the proper mindset for a man looking to gain, especially one who has yet to see it payoff? Can jelqing really make transformative impacts as far as erect length is concerned, or is it more for overall health (blood-flow, EQ, etc) and girth?

I know I am inundating you fellows with questions but I have a lot of them, as I’m sure many at my stage do, and it’s honestly nice to finally have people I can talk to about this stuff who have been where I am and found a way to get through the doubt and disbelief to a place where there is absolutely no question that this works. Men who can confidently say that they are perfectly happy with their size. Knowing that somewhere there are other guys on the far end of the PE tunnel whom I can interact with and seek wisdom from is undeniably beneficial.

Hey there, no problem about the questions. I’m seeking myself. Before I attempt to answer your questions, I want to clarify that I’m a lot closer to you in terms of my PE journey than Bill10. I’ve spent a lot of time here and have seen some gains when I’ve committed myself to my routine, but lacked the discipline to do it consistently. This time around feels different…maybe because of where I am in my life or some kind of undying paradigm shift, but I’m here and ready to use what I’ve learned and put it into action. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not the guy you referenced in your response.

With that said, what I took from Toobsnake was that extenders do indeed work. And he offers a proven strategy in terms of his routine and schedule. I can’t say how he figured the ADS contributed to his gains, but I think that was supplemental. I happen to opt for Fowfers instead to maintain an extended state post extender use because I’m not on my feet a lot. And it has the added benefit of keeping everything warm and flexible.

As far as breathing into your stretch. Try this the next time you stretch. Pull on your penis as hard you you can (without causing injury) and see how far you can go. Then, try it again but don’t pull as hard. Just keep it stretched as far as you can go, and then stop, breathe until you feel your insides relax, and then see if you can pull some more length out of your unit. What you’ll almost certainly find is that the second route will give you more extension.

This is a valuable strategy not only for manual stretches, but for extender use as well. I’ll include a link to Firegoat’s post about the topic next. He’s got a more proven track record and seemed to explain things well.

There's principalities in the whole thing.

Firegoat’s post is #9 in this thread:

firegoat - Length Gains

There's principalities in the whole thing.

Originally Posted by Big Worm
Firegoat’s post is #9 in this thread:

firegoat - Length Gains

I just read this. As much pe as I’ve done, I could have halved the time with good stretching technique. Seriously.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

PatientlyGrowing, check out Thoughtfulgold’s stats. He’s not only achieved a ton, but has a great deal of information that he so generously dispenses with.

There's principalities in the whole thing.

Big Worm your contributions to this thread are more than appreciated. You may not see your level of experience as anything particularly impressive but one of the beautiful things about the Internet is that it gives everyone with a computer a voice; we can all come together and use that voice to express our opinions, beliefs, and experiences, pooling together data to solve problems at a mind boggling rate. I am eager to hear anything you have to say.

Thoughtfulgold, any pearls of wisdom from your years of experience? Your accomplishments have impressed and inspired me since I was a lurker in the shadows, so if you felt inclined to share with us what you wish you had known when you started, any small (or big) things that could’ve made your path more safe and efficient, I would love to read about it.

The kind of information being shared here is exactly the reason I started this thread. Thank you all. Please keep it coming.

Well…PE is kinda vast a topic to just drop one size fits all tips. But, let me give it a good try.

First. Devices are wonderful things. Buying them with no expertise makes them both a money pit and potentially hazardous. Day one PE isn’t for buying a Bib Hangar, for example. The Bib is a high intensity, compression style hanging weight device. Highly effective but uncomfortable at the least and painful and dangerous at worst with no conditioning or idea on proper weights, duration and device placement. Devices need experience, some idea what you are doing and a penis conditioned to wear and strain. This minimizes injury risk. This is why we encourage the manual Newbie Routine for 90 days to 6 months as a rule.

Additionally, starting your PE career on devices leaves you open to bias against manual exercises. Means you’ll spend tons of money looking for the next miracle gadget when the one you’re using doesn’t help you gain anymore. Respect your manual exercises. Only use devices to supplement your routine early in your career. The gadget head path is expensive. I started down it because my wrist hates jelqs. It was a choice I regret.

Second. Masturbate less. It will keep you gaining longer. Doesn’t matter how often you get erect and how hard. Masturbate less, avoid it during and after your sessions. The natural constriction of tissue retards more gains than overtraining, more often than not.

Third. Train steady. Seeing gains doesn’t mean double your duration and intensity. It means what you are doing right now is working AS IS. Don’t change routines that still yield results. This is how you sink yourself.

Those are the only tips that apply to any regiment I can think of. Any more specific questions would be simpler to answer, if you have any.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 08-21-2016 at . Reason: Detail

Thoughtfulgold, the world of PE is indeed a vast expanse, but you just gave us a whole lot of great information condensed into a single post. Thank you.

Many of the difficulties we are faced with, especially as Newbies, seem to arise from the confusion and uncertainty that come along with the many (often conflicting) methods/philosophies we are exposed to. It is damn near impossible to tell what the correct choices to make are when you have yet to make any appreciable progress. With that in mind I’ll frame my questions as choices that a Newbie might need to make. My hope is to ascertain which is the safer and more effective option, what the benefits are of making that choice instead of the other(s), and what the best way to apply that choice to your routine might be.

Proper intensity (especially but not limited to jelqs and stretches): should we aim for long and light or short and heavy? Should the aim be to give the penis as much stress as it can safely handle or to create maximum expansion during the workout with a lower level of tension? Are we “making” ourselves grow, or are we “encouraging” growth?

Scheduling: Is a frequent light routine preferable to a less frequent heavier one? Should we be endeavoring to keep the penis in a state of stretch/expansion as often as possible for maximum gains or should we be taking plenty of time for rest?

Heat: Does it directly impact gains, or is it for safety purposes? Does a warm-down have any effect on gains? Are there any benefits to a cool-down?

Exercises: Will jelqing and manual stretching alone allow for impressive increases in erect measurements or are they more for purposes of health and conditioning/injury prevention? Does the attainment of substantial permanent increases require devices and advanced techniques or can our fundamentals accomplish this?

Devices: When does it become appropriate to utilize them? What (if any) advantages do they have over manual routines? What is the benefit of including them as a supplement? What are the best devices to use and why?

Supplements and Nutrition: Not discussed as often as many other things on this forum. Will proper nutrition and overall health have an appreciable impact on the rate at which we gain?

PI’s: If one were to measure monthly, and notice an increase in flaccid measurements and EQ from one month to the next, but no erect increase, should one continue their current routine or make changes? Are those kinds of PI’s a sign that erect gains are on the horizon, or are they largely unrelated to increases in erect size?

Expectations: This one seems to make or break so many of us. Obviously everyone will gain at different rates, but what can be considered a reasonable pace? What can a dedicated and consistent man expect to be able to gain? How long should you continue a routine that has not yielded results before you begin making changes?

This post ended up being a lot longer than I initially intended, but I think it covers a lot of questions that beginners might have. If anyone can find the time or patience to formulate a response, it would be extremely helpful. Links, as always, are encouraged. As is the wisdom of veterans and journeyman alike.

You are thinking too linear, PG. It’s not a straight line, those questions are phrased as paragraphs but the answers are much longer and convoluted. No single answer can be a general guide. I’ll elaborate a bit here.

Proper Intensity is based on what you can physically do and what you can take. Sometimes you can’t physically deal with any of a certain kind of pressure. So for me to give you a pressure guideline is remiss…and honestly, jelqing and stretching are my personal weakpoints. I’m a gadget PE guy by description and I never mastered the jelq truly enough to even answer that.

As for the “making ourselves grow” or “encouraging growth”? Depends on the exercise or device. Traction makes you grow. You hold the penis in a state that eventually it remembers to be in. That causes new tissue growth and it grows because otherwise the uncomfortable stretched state wouldn’t cease. In the case of clamping, lets say, it encourages growth. You push the penis to the limits then let it relax. It remembers the trauma and wants to avoid it in the future so your vascular system will change to accommodate more blood to make it easier to reach the state it was forced to reach before. The difference is thin but…”encouraging growth” happens during recovery. “Making you grow” happens during the session itself, more or less. Some things cause both. The lines are blurred and this particular difference is of minimal importance in my opinion.

Scheduling is based on lifestyle, less need. I started on the X4 Extender and my schedule was so erratic it defies explanation to this day. Some guys respond to hard, intense sessions. Some will injure themselves in hard and intense sessions. I like gradual sessions, or I did in my beginning years, but many find that the results are too slow and wander away from PE. Scheduling needs to be convenient and keep you motivated. I can’t answer how that translates for everyone.

Heat…I honestly cannot even answer that question. Why? For 6 of the 7 years I’ve been at this, I have used 0 heat. Nada, zilch, nil, nothing. I am of the belief that heat helps a lot. But I don’t even know that for myself but for the last year I’ve seen some benefit. I honestly have mixed feelings on warming down. I don’t know how to answer that either as only this year did I start warming down. I do have an Infrared LED heat device coming, I’ll learn more about heat myself soon but I have little to add here now.

Exercises alone can do everything you seek. I don’t have the link but there is a guy who was in the 4” or 5” Length range who got to 8” odd with just his hands. That was someone I heard about 4 years ago. I can’t tell you what forum he’s based out of. Fundamentals alone can accomplish everything you seek. Many have gained without spending a dime. This is the best but sometimes the most difficult route. Requires good hands and wrists, believe that.

Devices…now this I can speak on more freely. Generally devices cover something you can’t do, supplement a routine or offer more torque or power.

Meaning, I bought a Jelq Device because my right wrist can’t do the motion as many times as I need. Or a friend on X4 who only had one functional hand so instead of manuals, he opted for the extender.

Many guys will add an All Day Stretcher to supplement their PE days. Or they’ll use a pump to warm up or warmdown with. I mean you can supplement a routine as much or as little as you like with devices. Or replace your routine with devices entirely. This was the route I took. I advise against this, as it is expensive and encourages a consumer mentality on PE instead of sticking with something you start scanning the market for the next miracle device.

More power…I mean that to say…when you get deep into PE, you’ll hit plateaus that sometimes you can’t overcome manually. A lot of guys turn to hanging, as hanging weights offers far more tugging power than you with your arms potentially can do and for an indefinite period (as long as you wish to hang said heavy weights). Same goes for Clamping instead of manual squeezes. Or pumping, period. As high pressure pumping is something hands can’t duplicate in any fashion. There are a lot of high powered devices but generally, in the beginning, these are discouraged because without experience and familiarity they are more hazard than helpful.

Supplements…I’ve taken 3 or 4 different supplements. Honestly, because you never gain at the same rate, every day, even doing the same thing, there’s no way to make a controlled guesstimate on the impact supplement use can have on gains themselves. The question is more academic and abstract. Does supplement use make you more motivated to train? Does it increase libido and increase EQ? Can they increase healing factor and shorten recovery times? Perhaps. Effects of supplements vary from person to person, many people find no effect from supplements that others find great effects from. I personally liked L-Arginine a lot and it seemed to benefit my every day life as well. Human Growth Hormone or HGH seemed to offer additional recovery but I was buying things just to buy them at that time and may have been duped. Other supplements I’m sure were placebo more often than not but…again, this may not be the case for you. Supplement shopping requires research and often a trip to your doctor depending on your age, medicines you’re taking and any medical conditions you have (Yohimbe causes heart palpitations is one example of a popular PE supplement also used in the porn industry). So your age and body vary too widely for me to give you a hard recommendation.

Physiological Indicators…really, only you can read those. It is your body. You know it better than I ever can. We make educated guesses but your age and your physical condition can make weak morning wood into a good thing (if you weren’t getting it before) or a good thing if you survived an orgy the night before that you normally would be turtled the next morning from. I can say…often there is no warning of gains on the horizon. Just this week I posted a slight erect loss in length but gain in girth. And the fluctuations from day to day seem random. So you really just have to keep the faith and stay safe. Listen to your body. Don’t use your penis as a crystal ball, just use it as a gauge of sexual health and gains will come when they come.

Expectations…right here, just stop. I’ll greet you with some math. I gained 1.3” in length and .75” in girth my first 18 months. That left me around 7.5x5” and for the next 5 and a half years…I gained 1.25” in length and girth. Averaging that out…that’s less than .25” a year in any stat. Of course my gains weren’t steady, they came in spurts and then would stall for months at a time. But…nothing I did changed that I was determined. Effort got me gains. Expectations got me disappointment. Always be pleasantly surprised when you gain, be amiable when you have no changes and always keep the attitude that gains are coming, as you’re healthy and you know you’re doing the right things.

I’ve heard of too many miracle gainers and I’ve stalled for over 6 months at a time more than once to say there is any reasonable expectation for speed or slowness of gains in a range. You listen to your penis and you read up, research new exercises and equipment.

The biggest problem with a stalled gains pattern is a static routine more often than not. Try to always have a new exercise to go to. Go on a deconditioning break and come back to some other exercise or device you’ve already purchased. When you’re at your wits end, consider a new device but only then. Don’t buy one because you’ve got money to burn, because when its gathering dust you’ll wish you had that money back. Do not be afraid to try a new exercise or a new way to use a device you’ve bought. Heck, don’t be afraid to try something new that no one else has. PE is a game of controlled trauma to the penis to stimulate growth. We basically are making a calculated risk on how to force tissue growth during a recovery stage. So…a static routine simply means our bodies have adjusted and no longer can be dealt any additional trauma to recover from that will give you gains. This is the key to remember.

There are no straight lines in PE. I recommend keeping a journal, another thing I wish I had done. This way you know what you do, on what days, how much and how hard. That way when you do hit the plateau you know what you tried, how long it worked and have an idea where to go from there. Think outside of the box. Stay diligent. That is how we grow our penises.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 08-22-2016 at . Reason: Clarity

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Second. Masturbate less. It will keep you gaining longer. Doesn’t matter how often you get erect and how hard. Masturbate less, avoid it during and after your sessions. The natural constriction of tissue retards more gains than overtraining, more often than not.

I really need to heed this advice. Since I wrote it here, this will make me accountable for it. Right?


4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Originally Posted by PatientGaining
Thoughtfulgold, the world of PE is indeed a vast expanse, but you just gave us a whole lot of great information condensed into a single post. Thank you.

Many of the difficulties we are faced with, especially as Newbies, seem to arise from the confusion and uncertainty that come along with the many (often conflicting) methods/philosophies we are exposed to. It is damn near impossible to tell what the correct choices to make are when you have yet to make any appreciable progress. With that in mind I’ll frame my questions as choices that a Newbie might need to make. My hope is to ascertain which is the safer and more effective option, what the benefits are of making that choice instead of the other(s), and what the best way to apply that choice to your routine might be.

1) Proper intensity (especially but not limited to jelqs and stretches): should we aim for long and light or short and heavy? Should the aim be to give the penis as much stress as it can safely handle or to create maximum expansion during the workout with a lower level of tension? Are we “making” ourselves grow, or are we “encouraging” growth?

2) Scheduling: Is a frequent light routine preferable to a less frequent heavier one? Should we be endeavoring to keep the penis in a state of stretch/expansion as often as possible for maximum gains or should we be taking plenty of time for rest?

3) Heat: Does it directly impact gains, or is it for safety purposes? Does a warm-down have any effect on gains? Are there any benefits to a cool-down?

4) Exercises: Will jelqing and manual stretching alone allow for impressive increases in erect measurements or are they more for purposes of health and conditioning/injury prevention? Does the attainment of substantial permanent increases require devices and advanced techniques or can our fundamentals accomplish this?

5) Devices: When does it become appropriate to utilize them? What (if any) advantages do they have over manual routines? What is the benefit of including them as a supplement? What are the best devices to use and why?

6) Supplements and Nutrition: Not discussed as often as many other things on this forum. Will proper nutrition and overall health have an appreciable impact on the rate at which we gain?

7) PI’s: If one were to measure monthly, and notice an increase in flaccid measurements and EQ from one month to the next, but no erect increase, should one continue their current routine or make changes? Are those kinds of PI’s a sign that erect gains are on the horizon, or are they largely unrelated to increases in erect size?

8) Expectations: This one seems to make or break so many of us. Obviously everyone will gain at different rates, but what can be considered a reasonable pace? What can a dedicated and consistent man expect to be able to gain? How long should you continue a routine that has not yielded results before you begin making changes?

This post ended up being a lot longer than I initially intended, but I think it covers a lot of questions that beginners might have. If anyone can find the time or patience to formulate a response, it would be extremely helpful. Links, as always, are encouraged. As is the wisdom of veterans and journeyman alike.

I am only 2 months in, but I’ll give my perspectives if they can help at all. I heavily research anything I try/buy by nature, so I have seen a lot of info on this forum. Here goes (edited your quote to have numbers for question reference):

1) I would go with short and intense. Intense enough to feel a solid pull (for stretches) or pressure (for jelqs), but of course, light enough to not cause damage. Long enough to have an effect, but not too long as to cause damage. My routine is usually 45 mins.

2) If this makes sense I would rather follow a line graph than a step function to reach the same point. Just like with learning how to do something, exercising other muscles, or investing, doing it as consistently and continuously as possible would in my opinion lead to the best results. Doing things in a step-function manner (cramming for tests, taking steroids for quick growth, or depositing large amounts of money every 10 years into an account) is ultimately not beneficial, compared to doing things as consistently and continuously as possible (studying 5 pages per day, exercising naturally and in a balanced way, or investing every year, for example). Again, just my ideas that I follow.

3) I always use heat, it definitely is safer (experienced my only “injury” so far when insufficient heat was used prior), but in terms of growth, the consensus on the forums have been that heat users (and edgers over ejaculators as well) report the best gains. I did my research before PE though, and started with heat immediately, so I don’t have a time where I didn’t use heat to compare to. Titliest, one of the best gainers, always supports heat, which is a testament to it’s effectiveness.

4) Being only 2 months in, I have only used the basics, but they are working very well. My goals are not too crazy though (only aiming for +1-1.5” length by +0.5” girth), so I don’t foresee equipment usage in the future. Perhaps a veteran can answer this comparison more effectively.

5) N/A for me, don’t plan to use them.

6) Optimal nutrition leads to a healthier body overall for regular exercise and performance, so my sense is that eating fruit and vegetables every day with natural protein and carbs would trump smoking and drinking every day while snacking on Big Macs.

7) I have not measured yet (plan to after 4 months), but I recall a veteran saying flaccid gains are erect gains on the horizon. My sense 2 months in tells me improved EQ and flaccid will lead to improved EL, but this question could be better answered by a veteran.

8) Best answered by a veteran, since I don’t plan to measure for 4 months and am only 2 in.

Nice thread

Problem solving with fire.

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