Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The pills worked for me

The pills worked for me

Hi, I’ve been reading and checking things out for a few months here, gathering info.and one thing I’ve learned from reading posts is we are all different in what works and what doesnt.I havent done any pe excercises because I wanted to see for myself if pills could work for me or not.although most of what I read from others about pills was negative, I wanted to see for I did a simple test, I bought them and did not tell my girlfriend, after 2 days of taking the pills we had sex.she always says nice things to me afterwards but this time I could not believe the compliments she was giving me.”you feel huge”,,,,”you have such big thick cock”, “I love your cock” etc,,,now I know this has not happened for many people from what I’ve read but for me they are woking immediately.whether it lasts or not I have no idea but ill let you all know how it goes.I’ve always had the type of dick that would be the butt of all jokes in a locker room ( ie.laughable flaccid size) but grows to decent size when erect, whether this has anything to do with the pills working for me or not I don’t know.what I will have to do is take some measurements both off and on the pills as I have not done that yet to see if what she is feeling with my dick is proveable with measurements.

What is working for you is your girlfriend. She knows how to stroke your ego.

I agree with slack and gprent, sorry - but the only thing you get from the pills is a placebo. Erection quality is definately achievable from pills, but not size. Think about it scientifically, it can’t enlarge the insides of the penis.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

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