Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Real World Way to Measure a Cock


The Real World Way to Measure a Cock

Bone Pressed Erect Length and Non Bone Pressed Erect Length are both essential but if a woman at a party asked you the length of your penis what would you say? Come out with anacronyms and watch their eyes glaze over? I am lucky enough to have a woman who is sympathetic to PE and at least tries to take an interest. Her stance was NBPEL is the true measure - and this argument has been had a million times over. Cock in fat pad can be accessed via pillow under hips etc and is therefore not to be ignored. I am looking for a single figure I can quote that I am confident is the truth - when talking to my woman or anyone else..

So this is what I do - (NBPEL + BPEL) / 2. Fair enough?

That makes me (5.25 + 6.5) / 2 = 5.875 and I know that is a true figure.

This is really important stuff to me: my woman thinks I am quite small because I am otherwise a big man, and also she quite has a large vagina.

If I say I am 6.5 I am deluding my self because that would put me well above average, but saying I am 5.25 is doing myself down.
By the way my stretched out flaccid is 7.1” but that means nothing much to my sexual partner.

5.875 is a great incentive to grow and also, equally to lose weight - to at least become a genuine six inches.

PE has beefed up my girth about a 1/4” and given me about 3/4” in length - I am eager for more but have learned the hard way not to be impatient and brutal with my cock when doing PE.

nonbonepressed. That’s what women see, they don’t see how much you can press the ruler and that’s why it’s important to lose the fatpad as much as possible.

Start 7.28

Goal 9.2 nbp

If your stretched out flaccid is 7.1” your erect length should be around 7” if you have Not PE’ed. It sounds like you have ED if you don’t reach that length erected.

Start 7.28

Goal 9.2 nbp

Originally Posted by srsabpe

If your stretched out flaccid is 7.1” your erect length should be around 7” if you have Not PE’ed. It sounds like you have ED if you don’t reach that length erected.

I wouldn’t call that ED. If his bone pressed flaccid stretched length is 7.1 and his bone pressed errect length is 6.5, that’s only a difference of 0.6 inches. I wouldn’t say that’s related to anything like ED. This could be stretchy skin or the penis expands more in girth as it becomes errect which could limit the length expansion. Also depending how long he’s done PE continuously, he could still he growing into that 7.1 length which could mean some errect length gains are waiting to be realised in the near future.

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Most girls I’ve met seem like they’d be turned off if I had precise measurements about my junk on hand and went into bpel/nbpel. I’d either just throw out a ballpark nbpel or find a comparable object if they brought it up.

Giving your BP is like claiming you’re a pro basket-ball player because you’re tall and have large hands, and what you could do is what matters.

Before : Bpel 5.6"

Now : Bpel 6.7"

Originally Posted by Nozzle
Bone Pressed Erect Length and Non Bone Pressed Erect Length are both essential but if a woman at a party asked you the length of your penis what would you say? Come out with anacronyms and watch their eyes glaze over? I am lucky enough to have a woman who is sympathetic to PE and at least tries to take an interest. Her stance was NBPEL is the true measure - and this argument has been had a million times over. Cock in fat pad can be accessed via pillow under hips etc and is therefore not to be ignored. I am looking for a single figure I can quote that I am confident is the truth - when talking to my woman or anyone else..

So this is what I do - (NBPEL + BPEL) / 2. Fair enough?

That makes me (5.25 + 6.5) / 2 = 5.875 and I know that is a true figure.

This is really important stuff to me: my woman thinks I am quite small because I am otherwise a big man, and also she quite has a large vagina.

If I say I am 6.5 I am deluding my self because that would put me well above average, but saying I am 5.25 is doing myself down.
By the way my stretched out flaccid is 7.1” but that means nothing much to my sexual partner.

5.875 is a great incentive to grow and also, equally to lose weight - to at least become a genuine six inches.

PE has beefed up my girth about a 1/4” and given me about 3/4” in length - I am eager for more but have learned the hard way not to be impatient and brutal with my cock when doing PE.

This is the reason why I never really put worth in the bone pressed measurements. In the real world (with actual women) its about NBPEL and thats that. No woman wants to hear your BP measurements.. Its like saying “I am 5.11 feet BUT when I put on shoes, I’m 6 feet tall.” It will sound like an excuse.
Its not exactly the same because not everybody has a fat pad but I’d say 80/90% does? And besides, having a fat pad doesnt mean you automatically know how to use that hidden length.

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

Originally Posted by velhungvhite
Most girls I’ve met seem like they’d be turned off if I had precise measurements about my junk on hand and went into bpel/nbpel. I’d either just throw out a ballpark nbpel or find a comparable object if they brought it up.

Yip that is true mate.

I won’t lie it was once very important to me that I reached a particular figure so I could feel a whole lot better about being bigger than X% of the population. However that is not important to me anymore. Make no mistake I am very much committed to growing but the intent has varied.

Let the woman guess all she wants how big you are, let you penis do the talking on your behalf. Use what you have and use it wisely and it will open doors for you. However the most important thing is love of self and confidence. I am talking about that which is authentic. We are brothers on TP and this is a life time journey, what you leave Thunder Place with, is beyond merely a big dick.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Originally Posted by srsabpe
If your stretched out flaccid is 7.1” your erect length should be around 7” if you have Not PE’ed. It sounds like you have ED if you don’t reach that length erected.

I have had a bit of over-done PE induced ED at times but I can get rock hard now again but yes it’s 6.5” BPEL vs 7.1” BP stretched out flaccid - is that so unusual?

Originally Posted by Shooting8
I wouldn’t call that ED. If his bone pressed flaccid stretched length is 7.1 and his bone pressed erect length is 6.5, that’s only a difference of 0.6 inches. I wouldn’t say that’s related to anything like ED. This could be stretchy skin or the penis expands more in girth as it becomes errect which could limit the length expansion. Also depending how long he’s done PE continuously, he could still he growing into that 7.1 length which could mean some errect length gains are waiting to be realised in the near future.

Sounds good! I would dearly love to add an inch (two would be sublime but unattainable I suppose - given that I have added 3/4” already).

True the girth plumps up nicely when erect and has improved from PE.

My new policy is this: if I don’t get morning wood then no PE that day.

I have overdone it with everything in the past - jelqing for over an hour, erect jelqing, over pumping, over hanging - and I paid the price. Hence now easy does it.

Originally Posted by velhungvhite
Most girls I’ve met seem like they’d be turned off if I had precise measurements about my junk on hand and went into BPEL/NBPEL. I’d either just throw out a ballpark NBPEL or find a comparable object if they brought it up.

You are that much bigger so can afford to be flippant with an inch hear or there. The difference between 5.25 and 6.5 is pretty significant.

Originally Posted by Egotesticle
This is the reason why I never really put worth in the bone pressed measurements. In the real world (with actual women) its about NBPEL and that’s that. No woman wants to hear your BP measurements.. Its like saying “I am 5.11 feet BUT when I put on shoes, I’m 6 feet tall.” It will sound like an excuse.
Its not exactly the same because not everybody has a fat pad but I’d say 80/90% does? And besides, having a fat pad doesn’t mean you automatically know how to use that hidden length.

Yeah I tend to agree but a lot of people do quote their BP measurements and apparently even the cock surveys are now using BP - so it’s sort of becoming the new standard.

I think true measurements only make any sense if your into PE or in these forums. This would be any measurement you take. BPEL, girth, flaccid, even stretched. And as a fact my stretched length is longer than bone pressed. It IS that number. That IS the number I should give if asked. But I’ve never once gave any numbers, until I posted on this forum. We all know numbers are bullshit in the real world. All of life you’ve been dealing with this, penis length is no different. Ask your mom how much she weighs. Ask the biggest guy in the gym how much he benches. Ask your best friend how big his dick is.

I’ve had plenty of women comment on the size of my cock. Never once asked how big is it. Men always bring up the measured length. Never a women for me. If you belong to this site. I’ll give a true measure. If not. No comment.

Jan. 2018; BPEL= 8 1/2,MSEG= 5 3/4 Base girth=6 1/4,BPFSL= 8 7/8, Flaccid hang = 5 3/4,

Current; flaccid hang= 6 1/4 and much thicker, MSEG= 5 7/8, BPFSL= 9 1/8

Goal; BPEL 9 1/2, MSEG 6 1/4, flaccid hang 7 in and fat!

Originally Posted by Nozzle
Bone Pressed Erect Length and Non Bone Pressed Erect Length are both essential but if a woman at a party asked you the length of your penis what would you say?

Party? Don’t say anything, I just pull it out and swing it around a bit, then when she regains the ability to speak she can start with the compliments. Real men don’t SAY their size… ;)

(Just kidding of course)

In all my years, I haven’t found a real world way to measure a cock that matters to women. Objects almost work, till they start using hyperbole and calling guys “Cambell’s Soup Cans” and that silliness. I’ve been called a Coke can before, needlessly.

Real world…I think women are best left mystified unless your size is a condition of sex. In which case a bone pressed measurement will do, as women will not check you and anyone telling their size has inflated it in her past.

So use what you know, if you have to. Otherwise, decline to answer.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

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