Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

This is why you should CHANGE now the side of your stretch.


Reading through this thread a few times confused me. First, it is said that a twist to the left can be corrected by stretching to the right, because the left side is tight and we stretch the left side by pulling to the right.

By the end of the thread, a twist to the left means that the right side is tight and the left side loose, so we must pull our dicks to the left to stretch the right side and even things out.

I’ve never done any stretching as my dick is pretty long to begin with, so I don’t pay any attention to discussions regarding penis lengthening. I don’t know what tight or loose ligaments feel like. My dick was always pretty straight until a few months ago. I posted about what happened to me in the thread in the injuries forum.

I have a twist to the left (counter clockwise) with the glans pointing to 10:00. If I push down on the top right side of my erect unit, it will straighten out. Can someone tell me, which direction am I supposed to pull my dick, to the left or the right?

Originally Posted by HalfLife
Reading through this thread a few times confused me. First, it is said that a twist to the left can be corrected by stretching to the right, because the left side is tight and we stretch the left side by pulling to the right.

By the end of the thread, a twist to the left means that the right side is tight and the left side loose, so we must pull our dicks to the left to stretch the right side and even things out.

I’ve never done any stretching as my dick is pretty long to begin with, so I don’t pay any attention to discussions regarding penis lengthening. I don’t know what tight or loose ligaments feel like. My dick was always pretty straight until a few months ago. I posted about what happened to me in the thread in the injuries forum.

I have a twist to the left (counter clockwise) with the glans pointing to 10:00. If I push down on the top right side of my erect unit, it will straighten out. Can someone tell me, which direction am I supposed to pull my dick, to the left or the right?

What you are describing seems to me to be tighter (shorter) ligs on the left side. When you push down on the top right side of your erect unit you are tightening the right ligs this pulling your erect unit to the right.

After reading through this thread several days ago, I noticed I have a slight pull to the left. I really noticed it when using my pump as the cylinder tilts left. I then noticed that when laying in bed reading or whatever, I use my left hand to stretch my penis, again to the left. I now have started to stretch with my right hand to see if I can get back straight.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Commenting since this thread was revived and I think its an interesting topic.

But for almost as long as I can remember Ive had a rotation to the left, I just dont think I actually caused this issue through PE. Im almost positive its because I wear briefs and I have always tucked myself to the left side. Again pretty much as long as I can remember, and now even without clothes my hang will naturally seat itself towards my left leg.

Ive tried in the past to force myself to set my member to the other side to see if over the course of months or fuck even years it would correct itself, but its such an unnatural way for it to sit I almost always forget after a few days. Thinking maybe I should just set a reminder in my phone and try setting my member to right side consistently for a few months and see if it has any impact on my length/rotation/ligaments. I do notice the times where I DO set it to the right side of my briefs it does feel sore after a while and it seems fuller throughout the day and Im much more aware of my member the entire time as any movement can be felt in my groin. Ive actually had to reshift to the left side mid day before because it becomes to annoying almost if Im focused on things that arnt my dick, although perhaps thats a good sign that its working to some degree.

Ill try and set a reminder and do this for a month and perhaps report back if anything comes from it

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

So I’m pretty sure I have a clockwise rotation, which I believe means my right lig is the shorter stronger lig that needs to be stretched more. I’m thinking the fastest and maybe best way of accomplishing this is to get a Phallosan and stretch exclusively to the left until it is corrected. The Phallosan is an expensive purchase, so if anybody thinks this is a foolish move please let me know.

Love thy neighbor.

I’m using PH Forte with my unit pointing only to the right, I’m trying to correct a curve (left). I’m having a thin cord running on the left side of my unit which feels impossible to stretch (while extending SO right side is always soft and not really stretched and left side having this tight steel cord kind of thing). I also added constant heat recently (pad). I’m sure other methods would be more effective than Forte and a pad but I really dig the PH Forte comfort (and stealth).

When it comes to my ligs at the base they used to be longer on the left side. I found hanging BTC is the most effective method to correct this. While hanging the hanger rotation was clearly to the left in my case (naturally always wanted to fall on the left side of the ”bump”). This was pretty easy to correct by lifting, pointing the hanger to the right, so the unit instead fell on the right side of the ”bump”. Another way is to lean/tilt your body to the right while hanging.

In the beginning hanging on the right side of the bump felt so intense and fatigue came so much faster while doing this (so I knew that a lot was going on). After 2-3 months doing this (at approx 20 lbs) I don’t feel any real difference anymore. Another effective way to target one side is UTL stretches, focusing on your ”shorter” side. If done after a good hanging session/while in fatigue, it becomes even more effective.

Lengthening the ligs with an extender won’t happen anymore in my case (my ligs only respond to brutal force these days).

Originally Posted by MHedberg

So I’m pretty sure I have a clockwise rotation, which I believe means my right lig is the shorter stronger lig that needs to be stretched more. I’m thinking the fastest and maybe best way of accomplishing this is to get a Phallosan and stretch exclusively to the left until it is corrected. The Phallosan is an expensive purchase, so if anybody thinks this is a foolish move please let me know.

In my view, the side of the base of the penis that gets higher, is the tightest side, and not as you said

What a post It’s like my biology lessons. Good drawing! My english is very bad but what youre saying is that if I have a curvature to the left I should focus for 70% of the time on stretches to the right? Or should I stop stretching to the left side completely? Thanks in advance!

Start: 15.1cm BPEL

Current: 16.9cm

Final goal: 7 inch

My twist is a recent development. Slight bend to the right is from an old injury so when I use my ADS I attach to my left knee (thinking it might help to straighten it) but I’ve found that I’ve developed a twist to the right and I think it may have been caused by standing and sitting with my ADS.

When I stand or walk it hangs normally, straight down no twist, but when I sit down the vacuum cup/sleeve grips my thigh and rolls down in a clockwise direction. This is the only way I can think to explain the new twist. It’s not bad yet but I’m definitely going to spend more time in my ADS attached to my right knee.

My theory is far from scientific in that I’m not an expert in any related fields but I will come back with an update if anything changes

Originally Posted by goingtoothick
In my view, the side of the base of the penis that gets higher, is the tightest side, and not as you said

You choose this as your first post?

Love thy neighbor.

You have completely confused me.

Which way should I stretch if my penis is twisted and looking to the right?

[Bro, I had an injury not long ago and I think it is in this ligament that you see in your personal post that I would really like to talk to you about. Do you use telegram? My penis has a more elongated side as you described

Originally Posted by c3ifador
I look down at my penis and realized it is rotated to the left, this rotation starts at the base. After I have made some searches about this subject I came with the conclusion that what causes the rotation are the ligaments of the penis.
As I am a person that learns faster through observation I went to google images, but the pictures there are not PE bias with the cut of only the penis and it’s ligaments, then I so allied to that reading more about the tissue, tendons and ligaments and it cleared some initial questions I had that were sufficient for me to come with an Old Knowledge of PE that is underrated, and the majority of users take it for granted. At least with this thread I look forward to a lucid explanation.

1-How to know that your penis has a rotation?
Look down at it erected (no kegel) so you can observe the true shape and direction of your erected penis.
2- Yep I have a rotation, should I be worried? Why it happens?
You should not, it is completely normal. It is caused by the ligaments of the penis [View image 3]. You can clearly see the front cut image of the penis and it’s ligaments [image 1], being the most famous and commented: the suspensory ligament, and also important adjacent ones that I call left and right ligaments. For a rotation to occur there must be unbalance of the forces within the adjacentes (or lateral if you prefer) ligaments, causing as aftermath one adjacent ligament side to be longer, weaker and looser, in an erection this side will be lower; and the other side will be mais apertado, stronger and smaller, in an erection as this ligaments side are tighter this will be in a higher position than the other. [view image 2] [view image 3]
3- Is this strong and tighter ligament side preventing my gains?
Depend. If you are seeking length gains through stretch then yes it may be, because you have one side that is smaller, thus have a small limit of stretch length, this one side being an impediment to the possible maximum stretch of the other side (that has a bigger limit of stretch), leading to you stretch not as much as you could do because one side is the limiter, leading less gains in a certain amount of time [view image 2 and 3 again]
4- What can I do to overcome this?
That is easy Old Knowledge: stretch to different sides when you start PE, or if you already has this strong stiff side you isolate the stretch to the opposite angle of it in order to have the best possible quality of stretch this adjacent ligament. Prefer to prioritize at least 70% of your PE time to this particular stiff area.
5- What are/would be the signs that is this working?
Decrease in the rotation of the penis, balance in overall forces of the ligaments of the penis, ligament gains (inner penis coming out of the pubic bone)[view image 1]

Image 1= front and side view of the penis and it’s ligaments. The front view you can see the suspensory ligament in the middle and the adjacent ones at the sides being covered by a layer of tissue. The side view you can see the ligaments are among the penis and the pubic bone. I drew a line on the pubic bone to evidence what is over the pubic bone (BPEL) and the inner penis (possible gains through stretches[ligament gains]).
Image 2= a front cut view of the penis and it’s ligaments, now in how I imagined would ligament cause the rotation in comparison of a balanced and unbalanced penis’s ligaments.
Image 3= just a top view of what would be the rotation and poorly drawn (because can’t see the lower side when you have a top view) left-hand rotation and presupposed to be the ligaments place and it’s configuration.

I had trouble thinking about a title, if any of you have a better one please say or change it (because I do not know if I can).

Bro, I had an injury not long ago and I think it is in this ligament that you see in your personal post that I would really like to talk to you about. Do you use telegram? My penis has a more elongated side as you described

Can someone tell me which way I need to stretch if my penis started looking to the right?

Originally Posted by HalfLife
Reading through this thread a few times confused me. First, it is said that a twist to the left can be corrected by stretching to the right, because the left side is tight and we stretch the left side by pulling to the right.

By the end of the thread, a twist to the left means that the right side is tight and the left side loose, so we must pull our dicks to the left to stretch the right side and even things out.

Confusing how? I said “stretch to different sides when you start PE, or if you already has this strong stiff side you isolate the stretch to the opposite angle of it in order to have the best possible quality of stretch this adjacent ligament. Prefer to prioritize at least 70% of your PE time to this particular stiff area.”
If you have a strong stiff area, meaning/read strong stiff ligaments, you must stretch to the opposite angle, and this opposite angle is where your penis tilts, where the curvature is clock or counter-clockwise.
Yes, but as I said: you must stretch all the angles, however you prioritize most of the time to the curve in order to achieve balance.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?


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