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Tight cord/ligament down one side of penis?


tight thin cord running down left side of the shaft?

Hello all, quick question

I have been wondering for a while what this cord like thing running down the left side of my unit is. I do not have it on the right side, i only feel it while my flaccid is stretched out, it runs all the way from below the glans into the base, i cant feel it while not stretched out. My penis also curves to the left and I think this may be the cause of my curve. It is a thin cord and I feel like I could just snip it and my penis would instantly be longer.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing? Do you know what this is and is it restricting my gains?

Originally Posted by gainerihope
Hello all, quick question

I have been wondering for a while what this cord like thing running down the left side of my unit is. I do not have it on the right side, i only feel it while my flaccid is stretched out, it runs all the way from below the glans into the base, i cant feel it while not stretched out. My penis also curves to the left and I think this may be the cause of my curve. It is a thin cord and I feel like I could just snip it and my penis would instantly be longer.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing? Do you know what this is and is it restricting my gains?

It’s A vein or artery. Try not to break it.

My guess would be the septum (the area where the two corpora cavernosa touch). This can often be felt in a flaccid state and does run the entire length of the shaft. Your left curve may have something to do with it being felt more on that side.

You cannot snip it. Some believe it can hinder gains because it’s essentially a double layer of tunica.


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Dude - you just described MY situation. I’m 5” on the left side and 6.5” on the right - so I curve to the left.

This “tight thin cord” is the only thing sore after I’ve been hanging. When I do a flaccid pull - the tension actually begins IN THE LEFT LIG all the way up the the top of shaft. I’LL BET YOURS BEGINS IN THE LEFT LIG AREA.My right lig area and the entire right shaft has ZERO TENSION during a flaccid pull!! When I’m like, 90% hard is when the curve begins!!

Currently, my entire “cord” is sore after some aggresive hanging. My goal is to “straighten out” and bring the left side up the 6.5 inches. My wife has no problem with the curve, she just doesn’t want me to hurt myself - heh heh.

PROGRESS: I haven’t notice any difference in the “curve” (I don’t think). But I’ve only been doing this for a month or so. I’m in this for the long haul and I don’t care how long it takes!

By the way, the “snipping” idea crossed my mind too. It was just a thought though.

Last edited by howsithanging : 11-23-2010 at .

This is exactly what i have, a thin cord running down the left side of penis from head to base, which i believe is the cause of my left curve.
That’s one of the reasons i started to hang, so i can stretch it out and straighten my cock and make my dingaling bigger.

I feel the cord most when i either use an extender or do manual stretching. This is when it is most pronounced, it’s like all the stretch is felt on the left side and on the right side i hardly feel a pull on top of that the right side is always more plump than the left.

Damn cord robbing me of length!

GalloDulce -

When did you start hanging? How’s the curve now?

Thanks for all the replys guys. Yea all what you have said is exactly the same as my situation. The thing is my curve seems to be getting worse, I think this is because I am able to gain length on the right side of my penis but the left side it restricted by this cord. While the right side grows the left side stays the same.

Gainerihope: How long have you been hanging - how much gain on right side?

Well i had some issues with foreskin swelling and spots on my head, so I took a break so it can heal. However I’m starting Pe again tonight, if i hang it will be with a lighter weight and less time. I hung for around 8 weeks, no real gains yet.

Gallo - good, I was hoping you hadn’t been hanging for very long since you hadn’t had gains on that left side. Same here though, I’ve been hanging for only a month.

howsithanging - I haven’t started hanging yet I just do a manual routine and where an extender around 4 hours a day.

If you start hanging, remember that 5lbs = 10lbs for us, since the left side takes all the weight!

I don’t want my right side to get longer either. I have found that hanging isolates the left side (our “limiting factor”).

Everyone has a septum(cord) just like in the picture wrestla posted. I have one and an upward curve. I don’t think it makes any difference to the curves. It’s just in that position because of the curve. So it’s a result not a cause I believe.

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