Thunder's Place

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Tight cord/ligament down one side of penis?

Originally Posted by Audacia
Everyone has a septum(cord) just like in the picture wrestla posted. I have one and an upward curve. I don’t think it makes any difference to the curves. It’s just in that position because of the curve. So it’s a result not a cause I believe.

Them septum is in the middle of the shaft right? My cord is on the outer left edge of the shaft, if I tighten the skin against it I can see a faint shape of the cord. Is this the Septum?

Tight cord/ligament down one side of penis?

Hi everyone just want to share an issue I have.
When stretching or while wearing my extender there is a tight thin cord that can be felt running all the way up the left side of my shaft, from inside the base and all the way to the glans. There is no such cord on the other side. It feels as though if this tight cord is the only thing holding my gains back, that’s what I think in my head anyway. My penis also leans and curves to the left on the same side as the tight cord.

Has anyone else experienced this or has the same issue? Is this just a ligament that everyone has? Ive even been thinking of cutting the cord myself but I don’t think I’ve got the bottle and that would be very stupid. Any advice appreciated guys.

Probably your tunica albuginea is stronger on one side; some guys feel they a stronger section of TA on the dorsal side (search for septum or dorsal thickening). Be constant using heat and low, prolonged tension; avoid high forces because you could strengthen even more that side.

what you call cord is in fact an extra thickness of the Buck’s fascia (also called deep fascia). This extra thickness, which is normal, is an extension of the suspensory ligament of the penis. Its function is to protect the deep dorsal vein and dorsal artery. There is probably an asymmetry in the anatomy of your penis.

Thanks for the replys guys. Graal, you say there is probably an asymmetry in the anatomy of my penis, is this something I should b worried about? Is the going to stop my possible gains?

Originally Posted by gainerihope
Thanks for the replys guys. Graal, you say there is probably an asymmetry in the anatomy of my penis, is this something I should b worried about? Is the going to stop my possible gains?

I can only give an opinion … I do not have sufficient skills. I don’t think there is something to worry about. Every penis is different. If the asymmetry is not a problem for your sexuality, it is the only thing that really matters.

Maybe you’ll need to adapt the way you do the exercises because it is possible and even probable that the asymmetry also affects the corpus cavernosum. And it would be better that exercises do not increase the problem. Unfortunately, I can not be more precise ; sorry.

I hope members more experienced and more competent than me can be able to help you. Hang in there.

Yes I have an upward curve to. The tight cord issue issue is still bovering me, any more information on this? anyone managed to get rid of the tight cord after years of PE?

Thanks Graal. Looks like ill just have to take it slow and see how it goes. If anyone else has any other thoughts on this it would be great to hear them.



My theory? Every human’s right and left sides are slightly asymmetrical. Some people may be less asymmetrical, but we are all asymmetrical.

The right side of my dick is bigger than the left side of my dick.

My right nostril is slightly bigger than my left.

My right eye opens a little larger than the left one and so on.

Stand in front of the mirror and look at your face, you will see what I mean.

gainer, please try not to create duplicate threads. I merged the old one; entitled “tight thin cord running down left side of the shaft” with the present one. You’ve recieved a number of answers in both threads but it seems like you’re not getting the information you’re looking for. From what I’ve read, it sounds like the cord you’re describing is probably one and the same as the troublesome septum/dorsal thickening many people have described but, as sta-kool theorized, further to the left due to natural asymmetry of your penis. There’s lots of information in threads that already exist. There’s a link in my signature that will take you to a long discussion about the nature of this cord and how to make length gains in spite of it.

It just means that the “cord” you feel is now limiting your length. After you stretched it, you might feel the “cord” on other side or middle etc..

In my opinion, it does not mean anything special. That spot is just the thing that needs to be stretched next, after it’s stretched, other spot is now taking most of the stress because our penises are not perfectly symmetrical.

Someday you could feel more “cords” because now they would be equal in length and you might need more stress to stretch them all at once.

This is how I see this “cord” thing. Feel free to correct me.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
gainer, please try not to create duplicate threads. I merged the old one; entitled “tight thin cord running down left side of the shaft” with the present one. You’ve recieved a number of answers in both threads but it seems like you’re not getting the information you’re looking for. From what I’ve read, it sounds like the cord you’re describing is probably one and the same as the troublesome septum/dorsal thickening many people have described but, as sta-kool theorized, further to the left due to natural asymmetry of your penis. There’s lots of information in threads that already exist. There’s a link in my signature that will take you to a long discussion about the nature of this cord and how to make length gains in spite of it.

Sorry I didn’t mean to duplicate, I had just made a new thread and then noticed this old one from a couple of years ago so I posted in that. I will make sure I don’t make a new one in future. Also thanks for the advice, ill check out the link in your signature.

So many people with it on the left side?

I came here searching for the same thing. I didn’t see anyone saying the problem was on the “right” side. Leads me to believe it’s an artery or vein?

But there’s only one major vessel I can see in the cross section shown on the dorsal side of the penis, and the only ligaments stretched are the suspensory at the pelvis.

So what is it? O_o


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