Time off Required or Not?
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Good day everyone,
As of now I’m taking time off (a couple of days) since I’m not sure how to proceed.
A little over a month ago I took my pumping routine slightly too hard and ended up with a firm flaccid. This is my penis’ way of telling me to back off and let it heal. Luckily for me it only lasted a couple of weeks. This time my penis was ready within the two weeks off and I was getting morning woods again as well as the squishy center feel. So then on my second pump routine back I edged (for maybe 25 minutes) after only one 7 minute pump session (at around 2 to 3 “Hg). I could tell I pushed it a little too hard since the next day or two when I measured I was lacking a little more than an 8th inch in girth. Maybe this lack of an 8th inch came from the firm flaccid, I’m not so sure.
I noticed it was a negative PI so I backed off and took a week off. During this week my dick wasn’t firm at all and was nice and squishy/fluffy and malleable which surprised me. I was still able to get random erections and morning wood towards the end of the 7 days off. Still at the end of this 7 days I was measuring 1/8” less in girth than my norm.
I started back up a really light pump routine (1 on 1 or 2 off single session of <6 minutes with <2 “Hg) but am still lacking that 8th inch. I am still getting random erections throughout the day but not that diamond cutting type. I also wake up with nocturnal erections. Also my morning wood has been a little strange. I don’t wake up with an erection per say but wake up then get an erection. But then again I am sleeping in till about 10 - 11 every day.
What’s everyone’s thoughts or advice.
Jazz Hands