Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Top of the morning to you, sirs.

Top of the morning to you, sirs.

Right, so I’ve taken a bit of a leap of faith assuming you’re not all a bunch of cunningly crafted bots, dodgy salespersons and people habitually lying on the internet, and registered on here after lurking for a while.

I really would have picked ‘hunglikeababygerbil’ as my username but ran out of allowed characters.

Then I continued lurking for a bit longer, while starting to follow the newbie routine and just generally hoovering up as much information as I could. Nowhere near finished hoovering yet, obviously. A gerbil’s lungs are tiny.

I’m delurking now to say hello, say thanks to everyone who has contributed to this place - seems a veritable geyser of knowledge and experience - and of course to ask a few questions (sorry).

Generally speaking I’m (obviously) after a bit of both additional length and girth, but mostly a bigger flaccid size. Possibly foreskin restoration, but that isn’t a priority for now.

Regarding length and girth, I probably need more of the latter, having started with 6 1/2” bone pressed length (which I reckon is about average) and about 4 5/8” mid-shaft girth (which is below average).

As mentioned, I’ve been doing the newbie routine, and I’m doing it in the shower - ideal place for warming up etc. - However, I seem to have a better handle on dry jelqs rather than wet jelqs. With the former it seems easier to get a good tissue stretch, somehow not really getting that at all with the latter. About that:

Q: Is it normal that wet jelqs aren’t nowhere near as intense? Are they not meant to be? I’ve read somewhere here that 1 dry jelq is roughly equivalent to 5 wet jelqs. That seems about right to me, unless I’m doing them wrong. Is it okay to substitute dry jelqs for the wet jelqs in the newbie routine? I’ve been doing 20 the first week, now up to 60 per session.

Q: Also, I’m assuming dry jelqs stretch the skin more. I’ve read that they’re easier for uncut guys, but I (cut) don’t appear to have trouble performing them (I may have some spare skin to stretch, apparently). For the purpose of foreskin restoration I’m assuming dry jelqs are preferable over wet jelqs then?

Regarding flaccid size, I’ve read about Peforeal’s wrap and have started wearing a similar wrist strap (neoprene/velcro) around base and balls after exercising, which is very comfortable and helps with keeping the unit engorged longer.

Q: Is there any other (manual) way to target flaccid size? Not really keen to try hanging just yet ..

Q: Also, what’s the minimum length it needs to be for it not to try and completely retreat into my fat pad after half an hour of fast cycling / cardio? Or will it always do that? This is seriously annoying. And quite possibly one of my main motivations for increasing flaccid size. Okay, it’s my *main* main motivation.

As for progress, I’ve not seen any increase in length during the month I’ve been doing this, but girth (both flaccid and erect) has increased by about 1/8” (consistently). Not much, but I can probably improve my routine a bit more (or just be patient).

One last question (for now anyway, I’m sure I’ll have more): why do folks recommend against frequent masturbation? If there is no noticeable decrease in libido, and I still have normal morning wood etc., are there any real drawbacks?


ellow there hunglikeababygerbil,

Who gave you permission assume I’m not a bot? Or what if I want to be a sleazy dodgy salesperson? …Anyway.

Let be start by saying that 6.5” is above average. 4 5/8th is right on the average.

It is normal for dry jelqs to be more intense. They’re also more risky, though I’m not familiar with the intricacies of why they are. Personally I don’t quite enjoy them even though I’m uncut with a truckload of extra skin. But yes, since you move with the skin rather than over the skin, it stretches it more. Minor skin abrasions also happen with dry jelqs from time to time. I wouldn’t replace the wet jelqs for now, get intimately familiar with the technique first.

About the flaccid size; many of us here experience some flaccid size growth. L-arginine has been reported to help some, I’m currently trying it myself and my unit seems to get relaxed and expanded more readily. Just stretch and jelq, that should do it. I’ve read the fowfers help, and they certainly give temporary expansion, which lasts longer as you keep doing them.

I have no experience with a retreating penis into the fat pad, though I started around your EL. I’ve seen someone else upload a post with a similar situation, it was about using an extender. I would theorize that the ligaments are to blame, which should improve if you do stretches.

The masturbation thing is related to hormone balances in addition to making jelqing easier (erection levels are more easily controlled and such). I suppose if it doesn’t inhibit your morning wood and EQ control at all, there shouldn’t be much difference. But then again, PE isn’t an exact science. Masturbating might not hinder your gains, or it might.

Congrats on the girth gains, and keep it up!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Ok. I’ve had some serious flaccid gains from jelqing, hanging and stretches. My flaccid size hits 7”x5.5”, on occasion. It’s regularly 6.5”x5.0”. I don’t remember where I started, exactly but it is recorded in my profile. The jelqs helped more than than anything.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Originally Posted by hunglikeagerbil
Right, so I’ve taken a bit of a leap of faith assuming you’re not all a bunch of cunningly crafted bots, dodgy salespersons and people habitually lying on the internet, and registered on here after lurking for a while.

Then you shall be disappointed. For just $19.95 I have several treatments that will fix all of your problems! Click HERE for more!

Regarding length and girth, I probably need more of the latter, having started with 6 1/2” bone pressed length (which I reckon is about average) and about 4 5/8” mid-shaft girth (which is below average).

Above average length, average girth and a fine place to start. Take it from someone who started with less size and EQ than you, you can go as far as you want to.


Q: Is it normal that wet jelqs aren’t nowhere near as intense? Are they not meant to be? I’ve read somewhere here that 1 dry jelq is roughly equivalent to 5 wet jelqs. That seems about right to me, unless I’m doing them wrong. Is it okay to substitute dry jelqs for the wet jelqs in the newbie routine? I’ve been doing 20 the first week, now up to 60 per session.

We can only speculate, in your case as everyone is different. I know personally, and I’m also cut, that I don’t get anything from dry jelqs. I never have. So if you do, I’d probably use the 1/5 proportion because the going theory is that they’re more intense than regular jelqs. Remember, early in your routine seeing results doesn’t need a TON of exercise. Just consistency and regular rest are the most important.


Q: Also, I’m assuming dry jelqs stretch the skin more. I’ve read that they’re easier for uncut guys, but I (cut) don’t appear to have trouble performing them (I may have some spare skin to stretch, apparently). For the purpose of foreskin restoration I’m assuming dry jelqs are preferable over wet jelqs then?

Foreskin restoration usually requires the use of outside equipment. While manual exercises may or may not be able to help you in that quest, there are things that…you probably will have to buy. The VLC Tugger and other products by that company are designed with foreskin restoration in mind. You won’t get it back with just manuals, sorry to say. It’s more complex than that is all I can say.


Q: Is there any other (manual) way to target flaccid size? Not really keen to try hanging just yet ..

Hanging isn’t something you should start with in my opinion. It’s a higher level exercise and requires a more detailed understanding of PE that you’ll get from doing manuals and perhaps other devices before buying/making your first hangar. So, don’t worry about that. Jelqing helps with flaccid size. So do manual stretches. Both are detailed in the videos section on the front page, you have to scroll down about 7 slots in the Public Forum section.


Q: Also, what’s the minimum length it needs to be for it not to try and completely retreat into my fat pad after half an hour of fast cycling / cardio? Or will it always do that? This is seriously annoying. And quite possibly one of my main motivations for increasing flaccid size. Okay, it’s my *main* main motivation.

That’s a very unique specialty question. Cycling…I am sure this depends on your current weight and the thickness of the fat pad on your groin now. Given our bodies are like snowflakes, I can’t answer that even if I cycled the same amount of time every day that you do.


As for progress, I’ve not seen any increase in length during the month I’ve been doing this, but girth (both flaccid and erect) has increased by about 1/8” (consistently). Not much, but I can probably improve my routine a bit more (or just be patient).

Be patient, get a feel for PE. Changing too much too early makes it hard to figure out what works. Give it all a good chance to work as all of it takes a good amount of time to show you results anyway.


One last question (for now anyway, I’m sure I’ll have more): why do folks recommend against frequent masturbation? If there is no noticeable decrease in libido, and I still have normal morning wood etc., are there any real drawbacks?


Main drawback of frequent masturbation is that right after you orgasm, the tissue tends to naturally shrink and draw back. Any productive exercises and stretching you’ve done would be mostly negated in many cases. Plus, men who frequently masturbate lose the urge to PE regularly, post smaller gains and more losses in size when attempting to PE. If you were tired, would you run track and lift weights and expect your stamina and overall bench press weight to rise? Or would you make sure you were as fresh as possible for each workout? Same applies to PE.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Keep in mind that the 6 1/2” are bone pressed. The fat pad makes this look more like 5 - 5 1/2”. Which on someone of average height does look a bit on the small side. I’m not exactly a heavyweight at ~160 lbs, but the stomach area really seems keen to hold on to the adipose tissue .. -_-

Add to that the fact that the timing of my flaccid unit’s desire to retreat and hide in the fat pad coincides with pretty much the only time I wear something skin tight, I.e. Lycra on the bike (and, by extension, in a cafe at the cake stops, I.e. In public), and you can see how that would exacerbate the issue.

So yeah, maybe the numbers, strictly speaking, don’t bear this out - but, all things considered, I do feel decidedly below average, especially when flaccid. Really hate being a grower. I wish I wasn’t affected by such base insecurities, but I’ll readily admit (to myself anyway) that I am.


Thanks. I’ve tried fowfers previously but didn’t seem to have enough flaccid length for it to work without the pesky thing slipping out of the grip. I’ll give it another go when flaccid length has increased a bit.

I’ve not had problems with skin abrasions doing dry jelqs yet. As mentioned I do them in the shower, that might have something to do with it. So they’re not completely dry, just not using lube. I will give wet jelqs another try though.

Let me know how you get on with the L-Arginine. I’m taking creatine to supplement resistance training, so I’m not averse to adding something else to aid that other kind of exercise.

Good point on the ligaments. Maybe mine think they’re exercise activated bungee cords or something. I’ll have to check if I can find other people having the same issue.


Glad to hear that jelqs seem more effective for you regarding flaccid size than hanging. I was intending to keep following the newbie routine for a few more months before delving into devices (other than the wrist wrap).


Only $19.95?! That’s, like, five pence less than 20 bucks! I’ll *have* to have that, whatever that is. :D ;)

Thanks for the encouraging words. If I were to go wild with it I’d think the maximum size I’d want to achieve would be about 8” NBP by 5 1/2” girth. I can’t imagine too many girls being able to deepthroat a cock with 6+ inches girth without leaving teeth marks, and I do love blow jobs. Hate teeth marks. So, if possible (ha!), I’d like to stay under 6” girth. That would require a gain of 2 1/2” length (accounting for the fat pad) and 1” girth.

If we can extend the tunica and ligaments using manual exercise, why not the skin? I would have thought that might even be easier. I’ll look into FR devices at some point, not averse to buying something, but for the time being I think I’ll concentrate on PE. Baby steps. Or, baby gerbil steps. Which are smaller than normal baby steps. Because gerbil.

Thanks for the explanation regarding frequent masturbation. Makes total sense. It’ll be tough, but I’m going to try and become an ascetic during the week. Not sure I can manage more than that. Not sure I can manage even that, but I shall try!


Generating “skin” is not foreskin. Foreskin is a actually different in different places along the shaft, generating the lighter color stuff at the top and making that able to flex around the glans is much more complex than just additional shaft skin that isn’t designed for said purpose. Foreskin regeneration is more complex than pe and definitely takes some research.

I have PayPal when you’re ready for your payment of $19.95 *smirks*

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

You’re right, I’ll leave it for now and concentrate on PE.

Any tips on targeting the base of the shaft? Jelqs, whether overhand or underhand grip, seem to neglect that section.

I’ve tried targeting it with what I can only describe as “cranking”, which seems to work best with about 80-90% erection, but I’m not sure if it’s as effective as jelqing.

I.e. You grip the shaft while it’s pointing straight out and, while keeping it perpendicular the entire time, push it a bit to one side and do a slow circular motion with your fist, up, other side, down etc.. Remember those old combustion engines that you would start with a crankshaft? Picture it kind of like that.

Sufficiently warmed up, I.e. After a warm-up and some simple manual stretches, this does feel like it gives the tunica a really good workout all around the circumference of the base where the jelqs can’t reach it, and even further inside the fat pad depending on how closely to the body you grip the shaft.

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