Top of the morning to you, sirs.
Right, so I’ve taken a bit of a leap of faith assuming you’re not all a bunch of cunningly crafted bots, dodgy salespersons and people habitually lying on the internet, and registered on here after lurking for a while.
I really would have picked ‘hunglikeababygerbil’ as my username but ran out of allowed characters.
Then I continued lurking for a bit longer, while starting to follow the newbie routine and just generally hoovering up as much information as I could. Nowhere near finished hoovering yet, obviously. A gerbil’s lungs are tiny.
I’m delurking now to say hello, say thanks to everyone who has contributed to this place - seems a veritable geyser of knowledge and experience - and of course to ask a few questions (sorry).
Generally speaking I’m (obviously) after a bit of both additional length and girth, but mostly a bigger flaccid size. Possibly foreskin restoration, but that isn’t a priority for now.
Regarding length and girth, I probably need more of the latter, having started with 6 1/2” bone pressed length (which I reckon is about average) and about 4 5/8” mid-shaft girth (which is below average).
As mentioned, I’ve been doing the newbie routine, and I’m doing it in the shower - ideal place for warming up etc. - However, I seem to have a better handle on dry jelqs rather than wet jelqs. With the former it seems easier to get a good tissue stretch, somehow not really getting that at all with the latter. About that:
Q: Is it normal that wet jelqs aren’t nowhere near as intense? Are they not meant to be? I’ve read somewhere here that 1 dry jelq is roughly equivalent to 5 wet jelqs. That seems about right to me, unless I’m doing them wrong. Is it okay to substitute dry jelqs for the wet jelqs in the newbie routine? I’ve been doing 20 the first week, now up to 60 per session.
Q: Also, I’m assuming dry jelqs stretch the skin more. I’ve read that they’re easier for uncut guys, but I (cut) don’t appear to have trouble performing them (I may have some spare skin to stretch, apparently). For the purpose of foreskin restoration I’m assuming dry jelqs are preferable over wet jelqs then?
Regarding flaccid size, I’ve read about Peforeal’s wrap and have started wearing a similar wrist strap (neoprene/velcro) around base and balls after exercising, which is very comfortable and helps with keeping the unit engorged longer.
Q: Is there any other (manual) way to target flaccid size? Not really keen to try hanging just yet ..
Q: Also, what’s the minimum length it needs to be for it not to try and completely retreat into my fat pad after half an hour of fast cycling / cardio? Or will it always do that? This is seriously annoying. And quite possibly one of my main motivations for increasing flaccid size. Okay, it’s my *main* main motivation.
As for progress, I’ve not seen any increase in length during the month I’ve been doing this, but girth (both flaccid and erect) has increased by about 1/8” (consistently). Not much, but I can probably improve my routine a bit more (or just be patient).
One last question (for now anyway, I’m sure I’ll have more): why do folks recommend against frequent masturbation? If there is no noticeable decrease in libido, and I still have normal morning wood etc., are there any real drawbacks?