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I switched from a normal lube to Vaseline last night and it worked a hundred times better. Jelqing felt more comfortable and it seems like it was working a ton better. The problem I’ve always had with Vaseline is that it is not very easy to clean. Do you guys know of a fast Vaseline removal method? I spend 15 minutes or so in the shower scrubbing pretty profusely and I’ll still have a slight glaze afterwards.


Originally Posted by jenglishman

I switched from a normal lube to Vaseline last night and it worked a hundred times better. Jelqing felt more comfortable and it seems like it was working a ton better. The problem I’ve always had with Vaseline is that it is not very easy to clean. Do you guys know of a fast Vaseline removal method? I spend 15 minutes or so in the shower scrubbing pretty profusely and I’ll still have a slight glaze afterwards.


There is a higher grade Vaseline called White vaseline which washes off fairly easily. Trouble with Yellow Vaseline is that is what it is supposed to do - Stay on

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I find the easiest way to remove Vaseline is with a dry washcloth or paper towel. Before you shower, just give it a good strong wipe with a dry towel. You will get the majority of the goop off and it will be easier to remove with soap once your in the tub. I prefer paper towels, because you can flush them. Makes for an easier clean up.

Were you previously using water-based sexual lube? I agree that an oil based lube is better for PE, as lubes dry up and become sticky. One which works for me is liquid parafin, or white mineral oil. I also like almond oil. With these I get no drying out at all and can do a whole session, and wipe it off at the end.

I’d guess you first need to remove the most you can with cloth or tissue, then remove the rest with handwash/shower gel and HOT water, not too hot, but hot enough to help melt and remove. Cold water is a big no I’d guess.

Try Albolene.

Excellent for jelqing, and beating off for that matter. Or using in bed with your partner for foreplay. I learned about it from an excellent “sex manual” called Extended Serxual Orgasm.

It is sold as a makeup remover and moisturizer. So you get it at the drugstrore in the cosmetics area. A jar of it will last forever.

YOu don’t need to use a ton of it, just wipe off with a towel when you are done. Whatever gets left behind will soften your skin. As their website says:

“Daily use of Albolene will promote vibrant, healthy skin and a younger-looking complexion.”

Seriously try it out, you will be very very happy. Smooth, warms up to the touch, great. Not that horrible greasy feeling of vaseline.

Here is a picture of it so you know what you are looking for:

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Last edited by sta-kool : 05-28-2009 at .

Just get some body wash I use Old spice body wash put some in your hand while in the shower and then rub it on whatever you got vaseline on comes off in like 10 seconds

Starting stats-->6.5" BPEL 4.75" EG

Current stats--->7.5" BPEL 5.5" EG (5 weeks after starting PE!)

Goal---->8" BPEL 6.5" EG

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