http://en.wikip … iki/Penis_panic
Penis panic exists in different cultures, its expressed different ways. To Westerners its obvious that black magicians can’t steal your penis and make it disappear or shrivel, but in Africa is commonly happens, and people get beaten and killed over it. And it usually happens there in groups, not just one guy. It expresses itself differently in Asia, and people explain it differently, but men enter an absolute panic over their penis, and even think they will die if their penis retracts to the point it disappears. They go to the doctor, who tells them there is no problem physically, but they still know there is. So they seek out other sorts of practitioners until they find one who agrees there is a problem and knows how to treat it.
It seems strange that a lot of different cultures have some kind of penis panic, except in the west. Its not known in Europe or the Americas. (It happens in Haiti, Jamaica, and parts of Central/South America where santeria is practiced.) Is that these countries are too smart to believe this sort of thing? I bet its just because we have a society with a long history of not talking about penis. The internet opens things up, men start talking, and all of a sudden, something like penis panic starts happening. We don’t blame sorcerers, we blame jelqing instead.
Some of you guys just got mad at me, but I’m not saying that all PE injuries are psychological. Absolutely you can hurt your dick. Some guys do. But it can also be this sort of thing, where there are suddenly a lot of cases of something that was never a problem before.
Similarities between this phenomenon and asian/arfrican penis panic.
-Usually happens to younger, single men.
-Seek out help, but insist its not in their head if the doctor says it is.
-Know exactly what caused the problem, and hold to that even if it makes little sense to other people.
-Can be contagious - hearing it happened to someone else scares the victim, who later becomes convinced it happened to them too.
-Thoughts of death or suicide
-Physical changes to the penis, or the perception that it changed - retraction, appearance.
This sort of thing happens in other parts of the world, maybe Westerners now get to join in the crazy fun.