Want to quit for awhile, but can I still work on girth
I have been PEing on and off for a yr now. Although, I’ve only done the basic manual stretches and jelqing. This past month or 2 tho I’ve been consistent in hoping for some good results (length wise), but didn’t gain anything. I believe it’s because of my past inconsistency, my unit has probably toughened up so much that it will not respond to the basic stretches, and I know it’s time to move onto hanging. However, I’m in college and I do not have the time to dedicate more than an hour a day to PEing, so I wanted to stop PEing until I feel I am able to come back with time for hanging and other time consuming exercises.
My question is,
If I stop all length exercises and only jelq and clamp for girth, will it still make scar tissue in my penis that will lead too it being harder to gain length in the future when I come back. Or should I just stop everything and come back all at once.