What can I do to improve my Erection Quality?
Hey guys.
I’ve been away for a while and can’t really post in the “penile health” section due to not having sufficient amount of posts however I believe others could also learn how to improve their own Erection Quality with the advice that hopefully will be offered by others in this thread.
I basically have dogshit EQ. I quit watching porn 5 days ago, basically have been on NoFap because I hated having shitty erections and shitty ejaculation volume. I don’t want to enlarge my penis any more than it is because I do have a fairly large penis and don’t want to do anything to it because of it. I’m still a virgin and am very aware of my own size. There are days where I measure at 7.5” BPEL and there are days where I measure at 7.8”.. A few people told me that if a person has terrible EQ and wants to measure their penis, bonepressed flaccid stretched length measurements do work, and when I do BPFSL I hit 7.8” however I don’t know if such a measurement is valid to you people or not, to me it is because I just can’t seem to have a decent erection without it fading in like 1 second.
I know fitness plays a major role however are there any other things that I could do?
I heard that just by having a magnificent EQ, it could reveal your “true” size”. I am doing NoFap, still abit skeptical about it but I want to get my life in order and I want to begin my sex life as well as I start improving other areas of my life and as a person as well.
I heard kegels are good, however I dunno how long it takes to start “feeling” the benefits from kegeling, especially if I’m going to be on NoFap.