Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Else Can I Do Besides the Extender

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How many inches can a 6.25inch Penis grow in a Year ?

1/2 inch


1 inch


1 1/2 inch


2 inch

Total Votes: 4. You may not vote on this poll

What Else Can I Do Besides the Extender

Well I just turned 18 years old and I currently have a 6.25in penis and I really don’t know the girth of it but it’s pretty thick. But I just bought the x4labs extender for my use ( damn thing is expensive) and I was wondering besides the extender what can I do to increase my girth and lengh faster with the extender. For instance, what pills, vitamins, exercise, etc.. Can I do to get a nice hung penis. I’m looking for a 8incher a 9 would be nice but probably impossible. But the thicker the better also. But I plain on using the extender for a year or less. So Please help a young one out. I think with a bigger penis I would be more confident I’m still really shy around girls and I think it will make me happier with a biggie. Thanks for all the help

It’s hard to tell how much you can gain. As we always say here, it depends on your body, consitancy, and other factors. But in a year, any thing between 0.5” and 1” can be expected. But again, it may be more or less than that, nobody knows.

As for the other thing to do beside the extender, you can start with the Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine.

Good luck.

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