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What routine to do after newbie routine

What routine to do after newbie routine

It’s been about 3 months since I started, and the newbie routine has yielded about a 1/4 inch gain in length. However, I’d really like to move onto some more “powerful” exercises. I was thinking of basically just switching my stretch/jelq routine to a hanging/jelq squeeze routine. Is this pretty common, or not a good idea? Also, should I be increasing the length of my routine? I usually take about 20 minutes, but I read that this should increase as you seek greater gains. BTW, I’m equally interested in girth and length. Thanks.

Length routine:

7x3 min regular stretching
2x3 min invented v stretching
2x3 min two way stretch
4x15 JAI stretches
10 min low intensity (20-40% erection) jelqing

Girth routine:

2x10 min of clamping
10x15 sec Ulis
10x15 sec horses
5 minutes of high intensity (60-80% erection) jelqing

Also do:
5x20 seconds Amazing Isometrics.

This routine has given me excellent gains, the same can happen to you. Build it up slowly though, start with 1 minute of stretching and add 30 secs of stretching each two weeks in every direction. Start with 5 minutes of jelqing/clamping and add 1 minute every two weeks until you hit the above amount. Success my friend :up: .


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