Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

About a year ago I also suffered from low erections & week sex drive.
My problem was purely mental, I thought I had an STD & after numerous testing everything came out clean (negative) but that didn’t help one bit.

I also broke up with a girl I was with at that time (same scenario as yourself, she didn’t give me the chance) so I was pretty depressed & thinking of women & sex made it worse.

After a while I stopped caring & turned to studying for my exams & body building, erections became better but I still didn’t have my usual sex drive back.

Then I met a girl.last time I had sex was 6 months ago & it didn’t went very well so I was afraid my boner would be weak.

Luckily sex was great & now I can’t stop having rock hard boners, I feel like a teenager again with a healthy libido & a wonderful girlfriend.

Also, PE helped so keep at it ;)

How lean are you relative to your bodyfat set point (natural level of fatness)? How long have you been training? When was your last break, and was it a good one? I’m thinking along the same line as kooljohn.

Sounds to me that your body is low on fuel and it has used all it’s stored energy. All that muscle that you have needs calories and if you don’t get enough then your body will start to break itself down.It goes into survival mode. Unfortunately sex isn’t a high priority when your body is trying to survive so you will find that you don’t have the midnight/morning wood anymore. So personally I would try to eat a few more calories, maybe an extra 1000 a day till you see improvements. It should take around a week but I would put money on it that you will see them. I am talking from experience as I have had these times to. You just gotta stick with it. Oh you should masturbate too as this will get the blood pumping to the BC and PC muscles, which in turn are responsible for rock hard wood. Once it becomes easier to maintain an erection with stimulation you will find that everything else will follow. Best wishes and good luck.

I agree with others. It might be a psychological issue. A previous failure is self-fueling and makes you anxious even if you don’t realize it consciously, losing your drive.

To break out of this, you should first make the routine blood check to make sure you have no physiological problems (which is your concern at the moment). I guess you’re OK, but having this proved by analysis is a relieving factor which helps much in the psychological recovery.

Next you may have some libido enhancing medication (natural herbs are enough) to have you back on the track. It’s not addictive and it’s only for a short time.

Don’t panic, many people went through this (myself included). I’m sure you’ll be fine in no time!

I think ALL men go through this at some point.

I had it for about 2 months when I was around 23-24 and was with a gorgeous lady,very sexually adventurous but it was very soon after I split from a long term relationship and with someone who I had an INCREDIBLE sex life with.

The new lady was amazing,tried so many things but I just wouldn’t respond down there. I gave her the most amazing oral (so she says?) but he just wouldn’t pip up to close the deal.

At the time I was in the gym 5-6 days a week,flying around the world dj’ing & was in very good physical shape but still has these issues. After 2 months we broke up,sex being the reason of course, and I just hit the gym and carried on working but also went to visit a Chinese doctor who told me I was run down and might have minor kidney problems.After taking some foul tasting,home brewed herbal medicines for a month I was back to normal,penis back in full health & everything was right as rain.

That’s the only time it’s happened to me and hopefully (touch wood literally) it’ll never happen again.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Hey Guys, I definitely appreciate everyone’s advice. Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your similar experiences. I’m re-evaluating my nutrient intake as suggested by some of the members. I never take any multivitamins, so I ended up buying some Men’s Multivitamins from Garden of Life and have been taking them consistently since Friday. Yesterday I noticed I had more energy than usual and was even fantasizing about sex at a few times throughout the day, and even getting some decent quality erections, something that hasn’t been happening in months. It might be that I was doing too much in the gym and not getting enough nutrients/vitamins to support my efforts. I will also try to increase my calorie load a little, I usually always feel full, but sometimes I can get sidetracked and let too much time pass between meals. I used to only eat 3 meals a day, but I’ve been working my way up to 5, it’ll be a while before I can hit 6 though. If for whatever reason these results don’t last and continue to improve, I will do some blood analysis as many have suggested here.

Kooljohn, thanks for sharing your experience, I was wondering if I was the only straight guy that was having erection issues around hot adventurous women. I can relate to your experiences and I appreciate your honesty, it gives me hope that this is simply a phase and I need to just get the right mix and amount of nutrients in my body. Hopefully based on the last 3 days of increasing drive and EQ, I’ll be a raging testosterone machine in no time.

Thanks All,


Hey miltonic, how are you going with it all?

Yeah,how’s it going Miltonic?

Well,I hope :)

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Have you looked into DHEA/Pregnenolone?

Miltonic, I have been experiencing similar things but to a lesser degree in the past few days. I’ve recently changed up my routine and i’m constantly sore from the gym.

Here is what i do differently from you in the first place: I take multi-vitamin, omega 3 fatty acid oil tablets, vitamin E & A, and L-arginine

Here is what i am doing now to try to fix it: I am eating more unsaturated fat in my diet and more cholesterol. I am eating a lot of nuts (almonds in particular are the best, but if you don’t like the taste any nut has really high unsaturated fat to saturated fat ratio). And also means taking in more shrimps (lean source of protein yet high in cholesterol).

I really believe if there is no underlying pathology, this change up should help you a lot. Specially if you been a low fat diet for a long time, you may be lacking in Vitamin A,D,E, and K as those are only fat soluble.

Let me know how it turns out.

Originally Posted by dchz
Here is what i do differently from you in the first place: I take multi-vitamin, omega 3 fatty acid oil tablets, vitamin E & A, and L-arginine

Here is what i am doing now to try to fix it: I am eating more unsaturated fat in my diet and more cholesterol. I am eating a lot of nuts (almonds in particular are the best, but if you don’t like the taste any nut has really high unsaturated fat to saturated fat ratio). And also means taking in more shrimps (lean source of protein yet high in cholesterol).

I really believe if there is no underlying pathology, this change up should help you a lot. Specially if you been a low fat diet for a long time, you may be lacking in Vitamin A,D,E, and K as those are only fat soluble.

Vitamin K is something you find in Tomatoes and apparently is very important for men. I can’t recall the article or where I got it from but google vitamin k and that should reveal more.

Also the rest of your advice is spot on & is something most men would do well to heed.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Sorry I don’t understand “more cholesterol”. Why and how would you increase your cholesterol intake? Red meat, fish?

Kooljohn: The good news in today’s world is that all this can be solved by taking a simple multivitamin

Braingasm: Cholesterol is bad in large quantities, specially when it clogs up in your blood vessels. The reason i take extra cholesterol is two fold.

1. There are good Cholesterol that your body needs to function well, i.e. LDLs

2. The most important reason is that Cholesterols are steroid (in the sense that there are protein and steroid hormones, not in the sense of anabolic steroid) hormone precursors. So taking in Cholesterol is for similar reasons as taking in more unsaturated fats, it increase hormone synthesis in the body. This is especially true for Miltonic’s case, since he’s been working out so much and eating such a low fat diet for a long time. He may be, or in my case, i am, low on the hormone synthesis and i need the boost in testosterone and HGH to recover from workouts, grow in muscle mass, and of course gain down there.

I would not recommend taking in cholesterol from red meats, as red meats contains a lot of saturated fat and bad cholesterol. The only food i really like for increasing cholesterol is shrimp, because it’s fat free, decent in protein, yet cocktails taste so good. However, that being said, i would never say no to a nice tenderloin, and i eat one at least once a week.

Hope this clears up, let me know if i need to explain anything further.

Originally Posted by miltonic24
It’s not that I’m bored, its that I have no drive. I rarely jerk off, about once a week. I just don’t have the drive to do it more than that. I wish the problem was as simple that it was just boredom, but it is clearly something physiological. I just wish I knew what. I used to be into porn a lot, but I don’t have a strong desire to look at it. I remember when I was checking out porn all the time because I was very horny, now I dont watch it at all because I don’t feel horny anymore.


Please do not take offense to this, but I think it’s worth asking. Do you think you might be struggling with your sexuality? It’s just a thought, but I’m not sure what else it could be.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Maybe you are gay?


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