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What women really want

Originally Posted by almost7seeks8
I beg to differ. I have seen this with woman from all walks of life up to and including a college dean, a few school teachers, and some female military officers.


This still doesn’t prove they have above average IQ, does it? :D

Seriously, what I was trying to say was that this type of behaviour can’t be called logical or even reasonable.

For example, there are four men. One has 1 dollar, the second one has 10 dollars, the third one has 1000 dollars and the fourth has 1 dollar and a banana. What would you call a woman who would go for a guy with one dollar and a banana?

p.s. (The answer - “Depends on how big the banana is” is not acceptable :D )

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Originally Posted by sparky91
This still doesn’t prove they have above average IQ, does it? :D

Seriously, what I was trying to say was that this type of behaviour can’t be called logical or even reasonable.

For example, there are four men. One has 1 dollar, the second one has 10 dollars, the third one has 1000 dollars and the fourth has 1 dollar and a banana. What would you call a woman who would go for a guy with one dollar and a banana?

p.s. (The answer - “Depends on how big the banana is” is not acceptable :D )

A girilla?


Probably (hungry was good too)

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

You can’t be 3” and expect to please but in reality most woman are only 3-6 inches deep so if you are 7” vs 8” vs 9” does it really matter physically. Probably not, but what does matter is what they see and what they think and what they can brag about to the girls.

3-6 inches? That sounds too small, 6 1/2 maybe..

It makes sense to me to. But that doesn’t mean that it makes any sense.

Well, it has to make sense to somebody :)

The key is not to focus on what a woman SAYS she wants, but to focus on what she NEEDS, whether she knows she needs it or not. A woman NEEDS to be with a man she respects, who commands respect. All that gets a lot deeper than this thread, so I’ll stop there.

For sure. A woman might think she wants a man with a big possession, because she thinks it’ll satisfy her more, which would in turn make her happy. My opinion, but many women don’t know what they want, the guys that are successful do (which can often be the opposite to what a woman says).

What women really want?? They jaded side of me that has been played and screwed over by too many women says they just want a hard cock and money.

“I would rather try and touch the moon then to figure out what that whore is thinking”——-Al Swearneger, Deadwood/ HBO

Nuff said

No, it’s “I’d rather try touching the moon than take on a whore’s thinking.”


I have an even better answer: Who cares?

Originally Posted by thal
“I would rather try and touch the moon then to figure out what that whore is thinking”——-Al Swearneger, Deadwood/ HBO

Nuff said


Great man. Great show.

Cocksucker. ;)

Is that the Ian McShane character?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Yea. Wu. Who. Cocksucker.

O who cares what THEY want anymore. They don’t have a clue anyways.
She’ll get what I give her and I’ll preoccupy my thoughts with what I WANT instead.
At least I’ll get to retain some peace of mind.

I know I posted this before:
Freud spent his whole life studying people.
When he was nearing death, it’s rumored that he stated there was one question he still couldn’t answer;

What the fuck do women want?

Are we really going to solve this riddle on this forum?
And NOT piss a few of the female members off at the same time?

I don’t care what women in general want, I am concerned about whatever woman I am interested in at the time wants. There is NO what women want, that is such a strong generalization that whatever theory you will propose will eventually meet with failure. A christian woman will want something different that a hooker, a business woman will want something different than a homemaker. Pick someone specify, listen to her and find out what she wants. Not every single guy wants the same thing so why would every woman want the same thing.

Originally Posted by almost7seeks8
Here is my theory about what women really want. This is not just speculation. This is proven by experience and time. Women want “you” to have whatever their girlfriends men don’t have. It is all about bragging rights for chicks. They say we are the competitive ones but let me tell you, woman are unbelievable. Yes a bigger cock helps. You can’t be 3” and expect to please but in reality most woman are only 3-6 inches deep so if you are 7” vs 8” vs 9” does it really matter physically. Probably not, but what does matter is what they see and what they think and what they can brag about to the girls. Yes, I am doing PE mostly for that reason. My 6.75” gets the job done most of the time. I hit the cervix and give orgasms, but I need that extra psychological edge. They need to think you big even if the extra size can’t get passed the vulva during sex. A footnote. This what they want thing applies to other things as well. If you have money and all the other girls men don’t then you are the man. If you have great bod and all the other girls men are average then you are the man etc etc etc. So, is PE a good idea? Yes it’s a great idea but so is fitness, general appearance, attitude and the entire package. The name of the game is make them think they have the best to brag about, then you have it made. Hey, you might even get referral sex. It is not unheard of that some girl brags to her friends and then one of the friends comes after the guy in question!

Not impossible theory. For sure Women are terribly competitive :)

The Beginning(18 Aug 2005): BPEL 6.10" EG 5.10" Now (24 dec 2006): BPEL 7'00" EG 5'40" The Target: BPEL 7'90" EG 6'50"

Yes I am glad I don’t know ladies that act primarily in that manner.

Human nature wants what it can’t have as a general rule. I think men also share the same status that your women crave.


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