What's the science behind Stretching and Jelqing ?
Hi guys, I would like to know if there is any science behind these exercises, because all I see is alot of reports without pictures that aren’t reliable ( please don’t send me the link of that guy with a micro penis that just improved his EQ and everyone thought that he actually grew his penis). Before I enter this journey where where Icould seriously damage my penis I would like to know if there are real cases or scientific proof that it works you know. I’m an ignorant but a bigger penis have logically more cells that a smaller penis right, it doesn’t have bigger cells but more cells right ? So, supposedly the Jelq exercise doesn’t add cells, but make the ones that already exist bigger, like the same way you make a muscle bigger in the gym, applying tension with weights, the fiber brakes and grows bigger, but the penis isn’t a muscle, its an organ, and even though organs can suffer hypertrophy I don’t know how the penis would grow by squeezing it and creating a blood pressure that is easily matched by a normal erection.. And stretching exercise is even crazier in my opinion, how a stretching an organ would make it bigger and healthy ? You don’t provoke hypertrophy or cell reproduction by stretching the tissue. Anyway, I don’t want you guys to see my questions as an attack, I just wanna believe that these exercises can actually work, it would be great, but I can’t see how it could work, I wish you could give me some explanations, thank you all.