Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who Are Your PE heroes


Who Are Your PE heroes

I got the idea from a member. I saw his stats when he commented on my thread. He had his PE heroes as his stats. I searched for threads about that, and there was none. So I decided we need one. :P

Who’s your PE heroes, brothers?

I think everyone will agree with me when I say that…I think ThunderSS is definitely the hero of heroes. He made this website for us. I thank you, ThunderSS. :)


Not to be self centered and say my self ;) but I would say Sparkyx is definitely in my top 3.

Thunder is a pretty great guy for developing this site and talking to people like a person and not a pe warlord. I would have to say my #1 was a guy who went under the sn of baseballer8 on cheekycherry who kegeled erect with weights everyday until he was tying a drawstring backpack to his penis with a ten pound weight plate to fully attention. I don’t care who you are you have to recognize that as amazing.

For the most part I admire all those who do their homework online and know what the hell they are talking about when they give advice about pe, the guys who make pe inventions from hardware supplies for pennies on the dollar which work even better than the origional, and the guys who experiment and think outside the norm when it comes to routines and exercises. All those who bring a new light to the pe darkness, we thank you.

I forgot to post my heroes, haha.

Good choice, bro. Everyone should be their own hero.

Personally, I would say my heroes is…(a long list, mind you.)

Tossed Salad

I have my own reasons for each of these great guys. :D I admire everyone who is commited to their goals, and isn’t scared to explore! I respect everyone on this website.


Last edited by crazyone : 04-01-2011 at .

Good words, The Great Divider. You’re abosutely right. We all are brothers on this website. I feel blessed that I found this website.



Wow! Thank you Crazyone.

Now I’m slightly less afraid of clowns. Although, the crazy clown chicks do look like fun. Who doesn’t enjoy a three-ring circus?

Haven’t seen them post in quite a while but for me Drilla9 and Kingpole. They were definitely a huge source of inspiration and guidance way back when I was first starting. I wouldn’t have made the gains I’ve made or come as far as I have without them. Never got a chance to thank them, hope they stop by some time again.

Start Jan08 7.20 X 5.35 BP ----> NOW 9.75 X 6.50 BP

8.75NP 6.8BaseEG. The Krod Pics thread


Thunder and Saiyan22

Saiyan22 was the first post I ever read and I believe it was his starting stats and tracking page. He really encouraged me and he has some really cool stories as well!!

And of course Thunder after all where would we be without the man. You got the biggest dick in my book because it includes all of ours.

Erect Length 8.500 inches , Erect Girth5.700 inches, Flaccid Length 5 inches, hang Flaccid Girth 4.2 inches, Erect Width 1.814 inches,

Erect Volume 21.977cubic inches



12.2009 - BP 6 x 4.7 :cutlass: Goal - BP 7 x 5.1

Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

You are. And you, and you, and every one of you are my special little gang of pud pulling, wiener wrenching, prick pumping, pussy pounding (or ass as it may be), member moulding, dastardly dick deforming, obfuscatingly obsessed with PE heroes.

No really, I mean that.

Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement

There’s definitely something wrong when I’m considered a hero. :-k

April Fools?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

I just recently became a member, but being an ‘anon’ onlooker for a few weeks I’d always run into Saiyan22’s posts. That guy’s good people.

In a not so distant future all the teenagers will have posters on their wall of me, their hero doing he’s PE thing.

Can’t say that I have a hero but some of the more rewarding threads and posts I have read must have been by jb560 and memento, and I am currently trying out his routine.

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