Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Yay My ex said I had a nice cock


Yay My ex said I had a nice cock

I asked my ex what she thought about my cock, and she said it was the nicest one she had seen. And she has been sleeping around quite a bit (probably 10++ guys) so I take that as a big compliment!

Also, the last girl I had sex with said my cock was nice. She actually said that.. Repeatedly.. "You got a nice cock”.


Great to know that women can appreciate your penis even if it isn’t the biggest!

My cock is small, 5,5 inches NBL X 5,1 inches EG.. But nice looking anyway, according to them:)

Also, I have these fordyce spots on the underside of my penis (top part) that troubled me some, but I feel much more confident now. My ex even loves sucking my cock all night long despite the fordyce spots (yes we still have some sex now and then).

So.. The morale is.. Women also like cocks that aren’t monster big :) I got a nice curve on it (both upwards and sideways) too:)

I’ll be happy the day a girl will tell me that my cock is BIG, or too big.

“Your cock is nice”

“Your cock is perfect”

I’ve heard it all before…

~01/01/2006 -- 5 3/4" BPEL -- 4 3/4" Base Girth -- 4 1/2" Mid Girth.

~20/01/2007 -- 7" --- BPEL -- 5" Base Girth ------ 5" --- Mid Girth.

26/08/2008 --- 7" BPEL ------ 5 1/4 girth all around

Girls don’t care very little about these things, really.

She probably just said it to be nice because maybe you seemed needy or because she still has feelings for you.

If you belive you can achive, just look at me - Tupac Shakar


Yeah, you can choose to see it that way if you want.

Myself, I like to be happy with what I got, and take any PE gain as a bonus. I dont want to be unhappy until I have a monster cock… Seems like a bad idea to me.

I like to compare it to womans pussies: Would I like a girl (or her pussy) less if she was a little loose? Yeah, I would prefer her to be super tight instead! But does it really matter? NO! I still would looove to fuck her. :)

Yeah, good for you Gunnar, I had something like that happen to me earlier this week .This PE stuff means much more when it goes noticed. Dope, why would you be negative? Why would you try and downplay this mans good feelings? We are all here for PE, some for different reasons. I just really don’t like the fact that you are raining on Gunnar’s parade.You should have not said anything.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Lil, it is okay, he can say his opinion… And he has a valid point. Maybe he is right also. But I choose to see ambigous things in the best possible way. I cultivate gratitude, not envy:) There are so many things in life we are not in control over and that is not perfect.

Originally Posted by GunnarStaalesen

Also, I have these fordyce spots on the underside of my penis (top part) that troubled me some, but I feel much more confident now. My ex even loves sucking my cock all night long despite the fordyce spots (yes we still have some sex now and then).

What are these spots like? I also have some bumps on the underside.

Originally Posted by Lil J76
Yeah, good for you Gunnar, I had something like that happen to me earlier this week .This PE stuff means much more when it goes noticed. Dope, why would you be negative? Why would you try and downplay this mans good feelings? We are all here for PE, some for different reasons. I just really don’t like the fact that you are raining on Gunnar’s parade.You should have not said anything.

Sorry then…

GunnarStaalesen, hope I didn’t hurt any of your feeling.

In fact, I think I was just jealous that you are able to see this in the positive way.

Again, sorry if I offended anyone. Sometimes it is not easy to tell something exactly as you wish when you write in another language (I am french).

Good day to everyone.

~01/01/2006 -- 5 3/4" BPEL -- 4 3/4" Base Girth -- 4 1/2" Mid Girth.

~20/01/2007 -- 7" --- BPEL -- 5" Base Girth ------ 5" --- Mid Girth.

26/08/2008 --- 7" BPEL ------ 5 1/4 girth all around

Wow, Gunnar, you have an incredibly positive, healthy attitude. I admire that a lot.

I want to chime in and say that just because a woman compliments your cock without a size reference, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a backhanded compliment or she was just saying it to be nice. Some women do care about the overall aesthetics and also not all women are into massive cocks. I think she was probably sincere.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Yeah, I certainly care about pussy aesthetics. Some are more beautiful than others.

I’ve heard women talking about what a “perfect” penis a guy had, when they weren’t talking about the size. Many of them have preferences about the overall appearance.

Originally Posted by 67Mustang
What are these spots like? I also have some bumps on the underside.

They are like white tiny bumps. They become more visible when i stretch my skin (because that makes the skin thinner and the spots become more visible). Very very small. I have gotten it confirmed by 2 doctors that it is not warts.

I have small white spots on the bottom and top sides. Sebaceous glands in my case.

Para-goomba: I am actually not really sure if I got fordyce spots or sebaceous glands. Anyhow, they look like tiny tiny white spots and they are not warts.

I want to tell a story about a guy I met at a party. He is a super cool guy, with a beatiful girlfriend and he is popular among the ladies (good looks and cool/fun to be with). Well, he started talking about sex, and he mentioned that he only had a 6 inches cock. In front of everybody! He told that well, some girls might like super big cocks, and then he just isnt big enough.

Then he told a funny story about a girl he had met that wanted him to take her in the ass because she thought his cock was so tiny.

This guy really impressed me with his laid back attitude… I think the attitude counts more than the actual dick size, in fact.

Mind you that I am not saying having a big cock is not a good thing. It is. But if you got a average sized cock, what is there to gain from degrading yourself with negative thoughts? As nice as this “Thunder’s Place” is, I do think that it also is a collection of many people with unhealty complexes about penis size. We should be thankful for what we got, and still aim for “bonus” gains in size. Do not forget to live and enjoy what you got while you are getting bigger! Dont wait with this until you “get there” (the size you wish for)!

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