Thunder's Place

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Do we love our cock too much?


Do we love our cock too much?

A point was brought forward by my wife the other day which cheeses me off somewhat.
She believes that I love my cock more than anything and that’s all I think about.
Cock cock cock morning noon and night. Damn straight!
This is an important pastime for me and I try to coordinate it with my 12 hour days, TV, and the wife.
So do we love our cock too much? I mean i do love my cock better than my pinky toe.

I wondered if any guys out there get any grief on this subject.

Mines really only a mild teasing or an eye roll now and then but it all adds up to negativity which diminishes productivity.

I love my cock too, and also believe it is more superior to my pinky toe, or any toe for that matter.
Or my fingers, any of my limbs (except torso and head) and perhaps one or two of my vertebrae.

Tell her this man: You have your make-up, all your girly stuff - which I have no problem with.
It’s natural harmless fun which is to benefit you and your missus in the long run. Let her know that, and never, NEVER doubt your love for your cock again!

Get her to apologise to your penis too! Waiting feedback.

That’s absurd!
You can never love your cock too much.

Damfino (was groanman)

If loving your cock is bad then I dont wanna be good : )

Originally Posted by kadaicha

So do we love our cock too much? I mean i do love my cock better than my pinky toe.

Originally Posted by stmheath

If loving your cock is bad then I dont wanna be good :)

Hmm, :-k are you referring to kadaicha’s cock or cock in general?

I love your cock too much.

Paint some eyes and mouth with a magic marker and put a hat on it. Let me know how it goes. :D

Originally Posted by kadaicha
A point was brought forward by my wife the other day which cheeses me off somewhat.
She believes that I love my cock more than anything and that’s all I think about.
Cock cock cock morning noon and night. Damn straight!
This is an important pastime for me and I try to coordinate it with my 12 hour days, TV, and the wife.
So do we love our cock too much? I mean i do love my cock better than my pinky toe.

I wondered if any guys out there get any grief on this subject.

Mines really only a mild teasing or an eye roll now and then but it all adds up to negativity which diminishes productivity.

Not surprising at all. Women (especially wives) absolutely HATE anything that takes attention away from them, that includes your cock, your friends, your job, your hobbies, etc… They want to be the “end all, be all”… the center of your universe.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Oh yeah

Originally Posted by JAPP
Not surprising at all. Women (especially wives) absolutely HATE anything that takes attention away from them, that includes your cock, your friends, your job, your hobbies, etc… They want to be the “end all, be all”… the center of your universe.

Very true indeed. Very true, and it is hard to make it work at times. I mean showing her some attention, which actually never will be enough in her eyes…There is a very thin line though that is just fine. You just have to find it and it might take a long time. I wish best of luck to all of you out there. I have to go find that thin line now…

Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 "Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner." --Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)

Tell her she loves her vagina too much and talks out of her ass and see what she says ;-)

We don’t love our cocks anymore than women love their breasts. It is only natural. We focus on what we know makes us more competitive in the gender/reproductive/biology sense.

I believe I am obsessive about my cock.Is it wrong?I don’t thinks any more wrong than a woman who is constantly on a diet,or who gets her breasts done,or her nose or whatever.I will never be convinced that self-improvement is wrong.My penis size has caused me alot of grief and it has spilled into all aspects of my life to a certain degree.Do I love my cock? Hell no I hate the son of a bitch that’s why I am trying to change it!

No matter how hard you try, you will never love your penis as much as a woman loves her shoes.

What you believe means nothing.

How you love means everything!

Originally Posted by stmheath
If loving your cock is bad then I don’t wanna be good : )

Hey - you could write a good country-western song using those lyrics !

I’ll tell you why women act like that, as sung by Uncle Bonsai:

ThunderSS - When you go to the bathroom..

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

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