Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1st Year Report: 1" gain

1st Year Report: 1" gain

Well, it’s been almost a year of sporadic NPE for me. Due to various family/medical crisis, I have done little work for the past 3 months. I have been wearing the velcro strap for 8 - 10 hours daily, most of that time, and more recently the Ring Of Power. I’ve done some stretches when flacid and some Uli-type work when erect, but very inconsistently and especially for the past few months. Last year, when I first started I could barely hit 6” NBP. I gained 1/2” within a couple of months, and seemed stuck there which didn’t surprise me as I didn’t think I was doing enough.

I thought I’d hit about 6 3/4” NBP a couple months ago, but haven’t measured in some time. I used a homemade pump a few times, and could get to a bit over 7.5” in the tube. Haven’t used it for a while now either. A couple weeks ago I began doing a little work, stretching and ulis mostly, and experienced a bit of erection difficulty. I’m 43, and had already had the same problem before when PE’ng. After reading lots of posts about rest days etc., I’d decided to break for a week and then start doing 1on/2off and do a really intense session then use an ADS the off days. Thought about doing 1on/1off and alternating girth & stretching the “on” days: Girth, off, Stretch, off, etc. But I’m thinking that there’s little difference in the two tissuewise, not like body muscles where you can work one set of muscles one day and another set the next day. The same tissue cells you stretch out flacid are the same ones you fill with blood and pressure while erect.

Well, last night I did just a little stretching & jelquing. My erections were better after a week off, and I decided to measure. With a full hard erection, holding the ruler on top and straightening my upward curve against the ruler, I was barely touching 7”. I did it twice to make sure. I had to be fully hard, but it’s definitely there. Can’t tell you how much “Deja Vu” I felt, as I’d measured the same way last year and could barely hit 6”. I’d had a goal of 1” in the first year but thought I wasn’t gonna make it. I’m really stoked about this, I can’t say what worked or not but I feel that the velcro wrap does help the penis heal in an expanded state. I think the ROP is helping too, but haven’t used it enough to say. My plan now is to do as intense a workout(s) as possible on workout days, whether stretching, girth work, pumping, hanging. Then break for 2 - 3 days and wear the velcro wrap, or an ADS. I think the ADS will be more effective, I’m experimenting with a design now.



01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

Good for you Bro, An inch in a year is a nice gain most of us are lucky if we get an inch. Another inch and you will be at that magic 8 so good luck.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Well, you are not going to win any awards for best routine, but the most important thing is you have gained an inch. Congratulations! Hope things have settled down for you in your family life.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally posted by Dino9X7
An inch in a year is a nice gain most of us are lucky if we get an inch.

Yeah, really. I would be happy to gain one inch. Congratulations!
Let us now, when you have your ADS ready to go. Have you taken a look at the “captain’s wench” already?

Greetings, JohnJohn

01.01.04: 6.75" BP x 5.50" . . . . . Next Goal: 7.50" BP x 5.50" . . . . Pics

01.03.04: 7.15" BP x 5.50" . . . . . Ultimate : 8.00" NBP x 6.00" . . . . Progress Report

I have used the peg-leg, and found it to be very comfortable for up to 4 hours. I don’t use much force. I use it to keep my penis extened while I heal. I hope to get better flaccid gains from it.

Flaccid is imprtant to me. I started out 6” bpel, but am often less than 1” while flaccid, it looks like a turtle head.

Congrats! 1” in one year is something to be proud of. Did you gain any girth?


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Originally posted by johnjohn
Yeah, really. I would be happy to gain one inch. Congratulations!
Let us now, when you have your ADS ready to go. Have you taken a look at the “captain's wench” already?

Greetings, JohnJohn

Yes, I’ve read about the wench and variations. I bought some velcro etc., haven’t completed the wench yet but will soon. I’m thinking about a variation, based more on the Homedics strap. I’ll throw the idea out there, maybe some of you can do something with it first…..

I made the double-sided velcro per the wench directions, haven’t done the “gripper” parts haven’t found suitable material yet. I’m sure the velcro is stiff because it’s new, but feels like I can’t get it very tight - haven’t tried a clamp with it as I’m really wanting to make an inconspicuous ADS. With the Homedics strap, it’s velcro only for a couple of inches at the end, the rest of it is stretchy. My idea is to make a Theraband strip, and sandwich it in between Velcro like you’re making a wench but with a length of Theraband hanging out. Can’t say exactly how long to make, but probably the velcro part will be about half the size of standard wench, the Theraband longer than velcro.

So, in effect you’d have a standard wench, except half (rough estimate) of the strap will be Theraband instead of velcro. In this way, hopefully won’t have to have a separate wrap first - just start wrapping from the theraband end, keep going to the velcro part and stick it. I’m thinking this could let you get the velcro tighter. Not sure yet about where to locate the side grippers, tension strap, or how the mechanics will work etc. I’ll post any progress or other ideas on this.




01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

Girth Rules

Originally posted by seanjacobs
Congrats! 1” in one year is something to be proud of. Did you gain any girth?

Thanks a bunch…. gotta updat my sig too ;-) I’ve gained a bit of girth, I’d guess about 1/4” or so at base and maybe an 1/8” midshaft. I’ll be measuring this more consistently, as when I get 7.5” NBP I plan to really hammer girth primarily. My shaft tapers, it’s about 5.75” at the very base, about 5.5” midshaft and the head/end is smaller than that. I do remember when I first started, I could slide a toilet paper tube over my glans easily but it would stop about 1/3 down the shaft.

I sure do wish I had the big glans, as well wish I were a “shower” :-( Recently, I got a chance to hang with a guy who is a closet nudist. He talked me into getting naked with him, felt kind of wierd but fun too. Anyway, when I saw his cock it looked HUGE flacid. Easily looked twice as big as mine in thickness, I’d say he’s at least 5” x 5.5” flacid with consistent girth and his glans is bigger than his shaft. Mine is maybe 4” x 4” flacid. I’d have guessed he would’ve been at least 8”+ x 6”+, but when erect his cock didn’t grow much just got hard. He’s about 6.5” erect, and close to 6” girth. Since his girth is uniform, combined with the big glans makes his dick look monstrous thick, even though I’m about as thick as he at my base and 1/2” or so longer in length.

Everyone says it, but it bears saying again - girth is the key with women IMHO. I recently saw an amateur interracial video, this chick took on 2 black guys. One of the guys looked to be about 9”, maybe 6” girth. The other guy was no more than 6” in length, but had to be 7.5” + in girth. When the girl grabbed it with both hands to suck, she said “wow, this is like a Big Mac!” And when the Big Girth guy was pounding her she made the most noise, went crazy really - much more reaction than the Long Dong guy.

So, both visually and sexually Girth Rules, IMO!



01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG


Just wanted to see if anyone read about my wench mod idea, I hope to try making a prototype this weekend.



01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

Nice gains, wesb - keep up the good work.

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