Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

$20 Divocup Single Cups


$20 Divocup Single Cups

Hey all,

I just found out last night that the Divocup guy is selling single sized cups for $20 ($30 with tax) to the states. I figured I’d get the 1.5” one and see if it helps retain circulation better after pe sessions and after I go to the gym. Most of the time I can edge up and get the size back but over a few days I lose the blood vessel dialation and erections become harder to get. With any luck it should get here in a week or two and I will post a review to see it’s really worth it.

I’d never heard of that thing, but I just looked it up and it seems it might be legit for after PE sessions and anytime during the day really. I might order one as well. For $20, why not?

I looked around and couldn’t get an accurate sizing chart for the cups. So just measure the girth about three inches from the tip SOFT or SEMI. For me 1.5” (5” circumference) looked to be about right. I’m hoping this will help me keep up erections since I workout about everyday and have to live on some caffeine for college. I notice sometimes I get far fewer erections or pain when edging from veins dialating too quickly, basically “use it or lose it” come into play here. My only concern is that it may slip off at an embarassing time in public especially in the winter time, which may require me to use a smaller condom to keep it on as the site instructed.

Well hopefully the suction is good enough that you won’t need to worry about it slipping off. From time to time, I wear one of those silicon cups that suction to you and connects to a strap around your leg as an ADS. I wear it for about 3 hours at a time and it never slips off until it gets stretched out after so long of using it. But this device seems like the suction would be much greater. Guess we will find out.

At 25 I still get erections like I was 16, so I’m not worried about the erection quality it might give, although maybe it’ll prevent poor EQ from coming as I know it will inevitably come with age. But I’m more interested in the possible healing qualities it could bring. And hopefully make my dick more vascular?

Originally Posted by nunu191919
At 25 I still get erections like I was 16

That’s what happen to normal people, unless they destroy their dicks misusing PE tecniques.

That’s because most guys here practice pe like it’s fast food. That is they try it once and like it, then do it 3-5 times a week the same way for months, until one day it catches up to them and they can’t get hard to save their life. The vets here have been down that road and practice routines with longterm goals in mind intead of adding extra maneuvers or exercises like pickles and extra special sauce on a hamburger.

You may think “bigger,better”, “you’re way right away” but you can’t “have it you’re way” all the time. “Do something different”, “think outside the bun”. If you’re serious you can come to Thunder’s “where its better” because “we love to see you smile”. Warm up your “Carls Jr-Fuck You!” until it’s “Mmmm…..Toasty” and “losen up a little”, “you got 30 minutes” a day right? When you “wake up with the king” and realize “you’re the boss” and grab ahold of that “5 dollar footlong” you’ll thank Thunder’s Place for you never having to ask “Where’s the beef?”curtains, because you’ll already have your weekends booked and lookin’ “finger lickin’ good”.

Let me know how this works out?

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I’m interested.

Good point Sparkyx, my understanding from the site and from actual emails to Ronnie is that the cup itself draws just enough vacuum to engorge the head and the weight of of that blood keeps the penis pulled out and blood vessels engorged in a chubbed state all day. On his site, he said something about inventing it to help keep the blood vessels semi-dialated all day after chemical pe injections and I assume workouts, if you’ve seen his pictures you’d understand.

Now I expect the vacuum won’t be anything close to half a hg, but if it help keep me loose and ready even through college stress, redbulls, and workingout 4-7 days a week I’ll be happy. I’ve wressled with pe and hardcore workouts before and found that the number one motivational pe killer was the difficulty getting erections the day after killing yourself in the gym, you add in a calorie deficit and you’ve got a month of good motivation max.

Its probably a good choice to use while you are not wearing something else for any reason, like when you go to a gym, or maybe go to an important event. Or simply, while you sleep.

Well followers,

It’s been seven buisness days since I orderedand I’m starting to get impatient waiting for my divocup. I know it may have to go through customs and can take up to two full weeks to reach me, but I’m too excited to wait much longer. One concern I had though was that it might not fit right, atleast right away, so there’s anxiety that it might slip off at any time. To resolve this issue I came up with an idea. I remember purchasing custom molded vampier fangs at costume stores for aroud $7, which came with a mess of dental puddy. Seeing as how I live across the street from a Party City, if I have to I’ll just pick one up or some similar self volcanizing puddy to fill in the gap.

I FINALLY GOT IT! not 5 minutes ago

Fits like a penis pump and feel pretty good flacid or erect.


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