6 Nbp
Is it just me, or is 6 inches NBP a magical number for guys who started with anything less than this. In general average is considered to be 6 inches, wether this is true or not, that is the number the man in the street would give if asked to guess average size. I think guys below this feel they are smaller than average no matter what they read in surveys. Whilst BP is the best way of measuring to check for gains, women look at what they can see which is NBP. Obviously like most guys my long term goal is 8x6 or bigger, but at the moment I want to be able to consider myself average, the day I reach 6 NBP will be one of the best in my life, I will officially feel adequate. So far I have added about 1/4 inch by stretching and ADS, leaving me at 5.75 inches. I have just started hanging as I believe this will give me the best chance to gain the extra 1/4 inch as quickly as possible. Does any body else out there no what I mean about the magic sixth inch. Also I would like to hear from guys who started with less than 6. How did it feel when you officially became average?