Thunder's Place

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A few questions in my first post here

A few questions in my first post here

Hey, I have a few questions. Could somebody point me to some threads talking about what the tunica exactly is, how you stretch it and what the significance of the LOT point is? I would appreciate it very much. I know some of you will tell me to use the search button, but I did that and it comes up with hundreds of threads. Maybe some of you remember a thread and could find it quickly and point me in the right direction. Thank you very much.

Thanks very much SuperStroker! Those help a lot and also I would like to thank you for not being one of those assholes that tells me to fuck off and use the search button. I appreciate it very much.

At some point, though, you’ll just have sit back and research the archives for information!

There is a lot of valuable and useful information throughout, so much so that what’s missing in one thread may be picked up in another thread that might have just an atto more of useful information that will increase your knowledge base by just that much more, even though it is still the same topic.

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

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