Thunder's Place

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First post, no privacy, questions


First post, no privacy, questions

Trust me, I would love to do a whole beginner routine and be completely dedicated to it. My problem is that I have no privacy or time. I have 2 kids, and my wife stays home, and we are always running.

I have been doing some scrotal stretching and have had great success with that. I would like to add some length and mostly girth to my penis. I have been manually stretching it while in the shower or bathroom when I can for about 3 weeks now. When its warm my flacid hang is lower.

The last week I have added some girth exercises while I hide in a bathroom at work. I do about 5 ulis and some variations of those exercised that I have read on this site.I think one is called the compressor? Anyway, I would like to sneak away to the bathroom at work about 4 days per week and spend 15 minutes or so doing these girth exercises. Is this too much? Yesterday I did like 5 ulis, a couple compressors and manual stretching. Last night my wife wanted to have sex and I had a hard time with it because my penis felt kind of sore and tired.

So my question is if I have no privacy, or time, or lube, is this the best thing to do? Am I overdoing it by doing it for 15 min 4 or 5 days a week?

Thanks very much!

You are not over doing it by exercise time or by days, but you might be using a little too much force because you really shouldn’t get sore or feel too tired for sex. So just stop trying so hard and see if those issues improve.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Thanks! Do you think in can still get some gains by doing this?

I agree with gprent regarding too much force. Additionally every one of the girth exercises you mentioned are very ADVANCED exercises.

If you are a newbie, there is NO WAY you are conditioned enough or knowledgeable enough to do ULI’s and Compressors. (In addition, as an advanced PE’er, Compressors absolutely ruin my erection hardness after doing them. So I stopped doing them)

Way too easy for a newbie to injure himself with those exercises.

Also I believe that if you start too soon with the advanced exercises you may limit your gains by toughening up your penis too soon. Save the advanced exercises for when you stop gaining from a basic routine of jelqing and stretching.

So, stick with a newbie routine of stretching and jelqing for at least three months.

I had similar time issues. I split my workouts in half like you are doing. I gained. In addition, I did a light routine similar to:

NEW newbie + advanced routine

I didn’t know about that routine, but I started with 3 sets of 5-way stretches in the morning, and 90 to 120 jelqs later in the day.

Last edited by sta-kool : 03-01-2012 at .

Also, if you haven’t seen these articles by sparkyx they are excellent. They will give you an excellent foundation for gauging if you are doing too much:

Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Thanks, sta.

I know that these techniques are more advanced, but from what I have seen, jelqs require lube. I think it would be a little akward to walk into the bathroom with a bottle of lube at there any way to jelq without lube? I just figured since I don’t have the time or privacy for long jelqing sessions, I could at least do something that can be quick and stealthy, like manual stretches and ulis. I am open to any suggestions.I so want to do a routine, but no time, no privacy, no lube, really puts a damper on that.

Btw you guys rock.thanks.

Yes, you can do “dry jelqs.” They are a little more stressful than wet jelqs, so you may need to do less of them. From the PE manual:

Jelq and Jelqing

Dry Jelqing

Dry Jelqing is a single handed method using the skin covering the shaft to allow movement of the grip. Using this technique is harder on the shaft of the penis, under the skin, so switching to this method from lubed jelqing should be done with care but many find it has a greater effect deep inside the penis. With this method the grip never leaves the skin but is simply released slightly to allow downward movement. Using a held kegel as the grip is moved to the base helps to keep the level of engorgement high but this should be used with care by those new to the exercise.

If circumcised it is normally impossible to jelq the entire shaft in a single stroke. Jelqing the shaft in two stages is necessary. With a tight circumcision cut, this variation is hard and the skin will have to stretch ahead of shaft growth.

If uncircumcised it is often possible to jelq the entire shaft by starting a stroke with the foreskin fully retracted. Generally this method will cause insignificant foreskin swelling in comparison to lubed jelqing.

Additionally when I did 90-120 jelqs, it did not take a long time to do them.

Also, what about doing your wet jelqs in the shower and your stretches at work?

Wow seriously great help here. I thought of shower jelqs before, but the water doesn’t really serve as a good lube it seems. Plus I do scrotum stretching in the shower already (which I have had amazing success with in about 2 months so I’m hoping my penis will respond the same)

I also do kegals all day and during my PE. In addition, I cycle tribulus, Maca, and l arginine.

Ill take a look at the linear routine you posted.maybe ill start stretching and dry jelqing during my my hide away in the bathroom.

Should I wait a couple days since my penis was a little tired and sore or just jump right in today?

Set up a work-out room with the understanding that when dad is working out he cannot be disturbed unless it is an emergency. Do PE between your lifting.

IMO it just makes things so much easier when the wife knows about PE and helps.

Originally Posted by sheLovesIt

Set up a work-out room with the understanding that when dad is working out he cannot be disturbed unless it is an emergency. Do PE between your lifting.

During summer breaks for the kids I use a similar idea. I just say going to do Yoga Meditation in our bedroom and should not be disturbed.

NG: I would take a few days off. When your erection quality ramps again, you can start.

There are some lubes you can use in the shower. I know we have some shower jelqers here. I have heard of some guys using hair conditioner for example. Don’t use any thing with soap in it.

Lastly some great advice I got when I was a newbie:

kingpole said: don’t apply too much pressure when you jelq or stretch. Masturbation grip strength, maybe a little stronger, but keep it in the pleasure zone. If it hurts, don’t do it.

On the “I want gains now” problem we have as newbies:

lampwick PE is a marathon not a sprint. This is a long haul activity

AndroNYC said What’s your hurry? You planning on getting rid of your dick anytime soon? Ha Ha, I didn’t think so. One year, two years, three years to reach your goal, what does it matter. Take your time and use plenty of heat, and steadily work on your [P]enis [E]nhancement program.

“I am going to go lay down and take a nap for an hour”

neededgirth, I am curious. Are you willing to share your starting stats with us? Bone Pressed Erect Length and Mid-Shaft Erect Girth?

Thanks all for your replies.I do already have a workout room, but my wife and I work out together and its on lower level of a split level, so no doors.

I do have a tendancy to rush things.I was hoping to hear to jump right in today but I know I should wait a couple days now so I will with hesitation..

Think ill start the jelqing at work, like 30 or so jelqs along with some stretches. I also stretch when I can at home and in the bathroom. Even my showers are so rushed all the time, wife always coming in there and such.

Thanks again so much guys. Oh how I wish I knew about this when my wife worked every night and before our kids. I would have been jelqing like a mofo

Sure sta, I haven’t done very scientific measurements I guess but last I checked I was like 5.75” long and about 4.6 girth. Ill tell you though with the kegels and maca alone, it started looking so much more vascular and harder than before even with the same measurements.

My advice to you is simply share it with your wife. I’ve seen lots of people here who said they shared it with their wives and they actually accepted it. Enough with the hiding! :)

Good luck man!

Burn that tunica!

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