Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First post, no privacy, questions


Don’t tell your wife!! Only admit to PE when she calls you out on having a bigger dick!

Its been over one year I been doing it and I haven’t told her nothing cause woman can be very hurtful with the words the choose during a heated argument , you know your wife better though.

I almost got caught pumping the other day but thank God I was watching TV and I put the blanket over it very fast .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

When she notices you’ve grown, tell her..”Baby! It’s just gonna keep gettin’ bigger. You either take it, or…TAKE IT!” Then you thrust harder and she’s in ecstasy land. :p

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

A family that jelqs together, stays together! Or gets papa a court restraining order.

Stealth PE comes up all the time on the forum. I just get up 30 minutes before everyone in my family and job done. Good luck if you require something more devious though. :-)

Tell her if you need to but only tell her about the health benefits rather than the size benefits.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

Given that all relationships are different, a guy may or may not want to tell his wife/SO.

My wife loves sex. We sometimes use sex toys. We sometimes watch porn together. I am definitely the leader but she follows gladly and whole-heartedly. SEX IS HEALTHY.

So of course I told her that I do PE. At first she asked me why? I said that I want a larger than average penis because sex will feel even better to me. I told her that I like the way a big penis looks and feels. I assured her that I am not trying to be a porn star behind her back. She laughed.

I told her that I want a bigger penis probably for the same reasons many women want larger breasts. I said, “Your breasts are larger than average, so maybe you do not understand it.” I asked her to picture herself with average breasts.

She then said that it is like her wanting to do yoga. I thought, ookkaaaa? I’ll have to watch her doing yoga more often …

We don’t talk about my PE. She sees me heat up my rice socks and disappear to “my” room at night after she goes to bed. I even workout when she is up and around. It gets easier and easier.

She tells me when I am bigger than usual. Once while doing doggy she said that if I get much bigger she is going to start to hurt. I told her that she will adapt faster than I can grow… like when women stretch themselves using large dildoes. I would love to plunge a really big dildoe into her and she knows it, so maybe this is her way of letting me have some of my “size” fantasy.

Not everyone has this kind of relationship with their wife/SO. So I understand why some guys just cannot tell their wife about PE.

Unfortunately it will be hard to really become advanced at PE. You can probably get 1” to 1 1/2” of newbie gains doing stealth PE (jelqing and stretching), but to go beyond that will take a lot of dedicated time. Sneaking around to do that would be incredibly frustrating and encourage lying and guilt.

Good luck,

Haha thanks for all the replies. Yeah I can’t even get up earlier because in already wake up at 5am for work. I am not gonna tell her because as some of you others said , I want her to comment on it on her own, then I’ll know its really working!

Just after a few weeks of stretching and ulis I have seen a big difference in flacid hang. Think I’m addicted already.I know I am to scrotum stretching.

You are already up early, what is another 30 minutes?

2/19/2012: BPEL 7.125" MSEG 5"

7/26/2012: BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.1"

Goal 9"x6"


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