A hypothesis about natural penis size, elastin collagen ratio.
I think it’s possible that elastin content of the penis determines the natural size of the penis, the size without PE techniques.
Elastin is produced in the body during early development, then mostly stops with the elastin from early childhood having to last the rest of a person’s life.
Elastin has significantly different properties to other connective tissue like the various kinds of collagen. I think the amount of elastin determines how far the penis can expand naturally without causing the penis to become more collagenized by over extension, collagenization that would inhibit erection causing remodeling to a smaller size. I think elastin and collagen exist in an equilibrium within healthy tissues determined by shear stresses. When tissue is over extended because elastin was over stretched, the fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells (which service very different tissue subsets) deposit collagen in adults.
Elastin that has been over stretched can be enzymatically repaired without loss of elastin monomers. I think the elastin existing in the penis before puberty is redistributed during puberty due to the forces exerted on it by adolescent erections until it reaches an equilibrium of collagen and elastin that dictates natural penis size.
I think that this dynamic plays a role in penis size by the way the inner fascia of the penis expands. In order for it to expand enough to cause an erection by compressing out flowing veins, it must be elastic enough to do so using only the force of the increased blood flow from arousal. This blood flow is regulated by smooth muscle cells of the pudendal artery upstream and the smooth muscle cells within the penis downstream, which are also impacted by elastin content that regulates how much they can expand in the relaxed (open) state.
Normally, to make great advances the first step is collecting a foundation of knowns. Basic research is done to resolve relevant phenomenon, in order to solve a given puzzle. Most PE discussions right now are based around experimental evidence trying many different things and seeing if they actually work to increase penis size, but the experiments being done are being designed around paradigms that might not be entirely correct. PE is very popular, there are many minds working on this issue. So I’m putting out this new idea about what might dictate natural adult penis size.
I hope to see some review studies on it in a few years. Please use a public publisher like PLOS and make sure it’s in the NIH database. It’s in your career interest to do since a growing number now refuse to cite private subscription journals when they don’t have to, it’s more convenient for everyone, and private journal peer review processes are looking more sketchy to researchers by the year.
Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")
Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020
Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.