A new kind of stretch?
I’ve recently started to do a stretch that seems like it stretches the dick more than any other I’ve tried. I’ve only done it the past few days so I don’t know what kind of results it will yield. It probably has been done before but I haven’t come across it. It’s a high risk stretch so I think it needs to be done with the utmost caution. Basically I pull my flaccid straight out and put a drum stick in between my dick and my two legs. So if I push my legs down and pull up with my dick I’m doing a good v-stretch. What I did lately though is place the stick as close to the base as possible and slighty push down legs and pull up on my dick. Starting off with a v-stretch at the base. Then I very slowly rotate the drum stick head. I found that the drum stick slowly moved up my penis doing, I guess, mini v-stretches along the entire dick. Not just in the usual 3 positions like I used to do. Basically it’s king of like a rolling pin rolling out my dick. I do it up and back a few times extremely slowly hitting all spots of my dick for a while. I found that when I would take the drum stick away, my dick was more stretched out then usual. If it’s a well known stretch my apologize for wasting your time. If not, any thoughts on it?
Pre-PE: BPEL 6.25" NBPEL 5.8" EG 5.75 " Now: BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.95"
Final goal: BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 7" EG 6"