Originally Posted by Growing28
Actually it really isn’t unclear from a physics perspective. ( That is what is so great about science, accurate predictions based on a foundation of data, knowledge instead of feelings and faith.) Just think about a squirt gun, the tinier the hose the more pressure and the farther it shoots. If the squirt gun had a tube the size of a garden hose, what would happen when you squeeze the trigger? ( No pressure build up) it is this very resistance that causes the water to squirt out further, you can guarantee you won’t be shooting as far by practicing this, and that isn’t an opinion or based on feelings, but on the concepts within physics. Very interesting on going through the prostate, now for the first time I understand the thrill of this. I am sure it must be similar to getting a good ass fucking?
Physics is clear as glass but biology is different: in the “hose” there are two tight spots, one close to the gland, one at the beginning / exit of urinary bladder. These contain smooth muscle sphincters and what is unclear is: how is the sphincter recovering after the dilatations. It does recover to a certain degree, I now know it, because session after session I can go a little further with respec do size of sound. The hose, even directly after dilatation, collapses just like all other hoses in the body which contain smooth muscle.
Anther unclear factor is: what happens to the intraprostatic part of the urethra and to the prostate itself, which forms both a static and dynamic component of the inner sphincter.
So beware of direct application of physics to biology with overly simplistic models (“hose”). Once you know all border condition, physics, of course, do not loose their validity in biology.