Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

All Day Cock Ring

Originally Posted by SlickDickey
The circulation is only partially being cut off. If my dick was suffocating, I think it would be telling me.

So you’re dick talks to you?

A 2001 space odyssey spoof

HAL: What are you doing Slick?
Slick: I’m making you grow bigger HAL
HAL: Slick, dont you love me anymore?
Slick: of course i love you Hal i just think you should be bigger
HAL: Then let me breath Slick I would be happier with a little oxygen Slick

Let it breath just let the thing breath. Besides cutting off the circulation via a cock ring only makes it plump for a few minutes. It still goes completely flaccid after a few minutes unless you keep pulling on it. You dont need a cock ring to keep it semi erect.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

When I have the cock ring on, my dick isn’t in any semi-erect state. It’s totally flaccid, it’s just kept some of the “pump” in there. I guess if you wanted to call it like a 5% erection you could, but it’s basically totally flaccid. The thing is I don’t wear the ring at all during the night and when I wake up the next morning, the gain I made is still there. So either the ring is helping me gain girth or it’s helping me cement gains. Either way, I think I will begin to notice if there is any “trauma” being done to my dick. To me it just feels fatter and healthier.

Originally Posted by Pud
So you’re dick talks to you?

My dick speaks Spanish. I don’t really understand what he is saying.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

I think I might try this, but I will monitor my dick every 20 mins or so. Cool idea but there is no way in hell I would were it to sleep. Put It this way back on the farm the way you castrate a bull IS you put a big tight rubber bad on them and just wait for the balls to fall off. So I know personaly that a long time doing this without getting blood flow is a BAD thing.

8-13-05 6.25 inch bpel (not really bone pressed too much fat for that, just what I can measure) 6 5/8th in pump 5.25 inch eg 8-14-05 6 7/8 inch in pump at same 8-10 hg. 8-19-05 7 inches even in the pump. Going for 8x6 but will be happy with 7x6.

No, never wear it to sleep. If you get erections in the middle of the night it could get ugly. When it’s on during the day though, and your dick is flaccid, you are still getting blood flow there.

Even if I thought it’d be ok, I wouldn’t do it. Because you might screw your junk up pretty bad and then your screwed, nothin you can do then.

"I live my life one stretch at a time" Current Stats: 10/15/05- 7-1/4 bpel x 4-15/16 girth GOAL: 8 bpel x 5.5

I want my dick to be as big as possible. But I’m sure as hell not going to risk losing it.

I really dont understand the logic being used here. Tie off my dick so it stays more plump flaccid. I’ll know this is a bad idea when either my dick stops working or falls off. The risk reward here isnt worth the chance your taking.

If this is keeping more blood in you’re flaccid hang it should make you’re erections bigger? If slowing down the circulation is a good thing, wouldnt people with poor circulation have huge dicks? (this is the kinda logic thats being used here).

This seems like a case of if a little of something is a good thing allot should be 10 times better. I cut off circulation for a short amount of time when I do bends and squeezes. I feel it’s necessary for expantion, however once you’re done you really should stop and let the blood circulate and heal the damage you just did.

I’m on the record for being against said actions. If my words dont stop you my hope is it slows you down or just keeps you aware and paying 0very close attention to what you’re doing. I have thought about this very idea but couldnt come up with a safe way to do it. I keep cock rings on for 10 or 15 minutes after a session. All day is another story all together.

Good luck let us know what happens.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

What not to do .

I do this from time to time, it really helps flaccid hang during the day if i wear it a couple of hours in the morning.

i have a VERY hard time imagining death of the penis. My ring is made of silicone, and while on i can even pee without problems. Or, i have a hell of a PC muscle.

Yeah, I’m not sure why some people think this is so dangerous. I wear mine all day with no discomfort and I can easily pee too. I don’t even feel the tightness, but it has resulted in a plumper penis and has helped me retain girth gains from session to session. I could only see this being a problem if you wore it in an engorged state for too long or slept with one on.

Originally Posted by SlickDickey

Yeah, I’m not sure why some people think this is so dangerous.

Because so many people have had problems from the extended use of constricting devices.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Here is the ultimate answer to all day clamping!!!
Try it!! I did, now I`m a eunuch.

http://www.amaz … 8532341-2713505

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

I think the idea behind an all day cock ring isn’t that bad, unless you are hard all day. I’m sure you would get hard during the day, and be flaccid throughout the day. That would allow blood flow into the penis from time to time. I know with bodybuilding and PE you really need to listen to your body. If someone is hurting and doesn’t feel right, you need to stop ASAP. Just like lifting. If you are lifting and you feel a “bad” pain, and it gets worse with the next rep, its time to stop.

ShyMplsMale . You are rigth. If you dont fell well o fell pain with it…Just stop.

And if the girth really grow.??…

Sorry for my english.

No hay medidas. Disculpe las molestias I am dick is under construction.

Novatos, Comiencen Aqui

Originally Posted by walzam
ShyMplsMale . You are rigth. If you dont fell well o fell pain with it…Just stop.
And if the girth really grow.??…
Sorry for my english.

Don’t worry. I know what you mean :)


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